Easy Installation and Improved Styling with BABYFACE Engine Slider and Frame Slider!

2020-12-28_bm_babyface_06.jpg News

Trouble could happen at the most unexpected time. BABYFACE protection parts help to minimize machine damage in such trouble. Its protection parts include frame sliders and engine sliders and engine covers to protect the engine area.


Slider to minimize damage from tumbling problems

In this article, I will introduce three types of protection parts for the engine.


Engine Slider *The product in the photo is for CBR1000RR-R.

The engine slider, which is a combination of a base plate made of machined aluminum and a slider made of DURACON plastic, is the most popular and is available for many models.


Timing hole plug *The product in the photo is for CBR600RR.

Next is the timing hole plug which replaces the timing hole cap on the crankcase. It's a Duralcon slider mounted on a threaded aluminum base.


Engine Cover Hard Protector *The product in the photo is for CBR1000RR-R.

The engine cover hard protector is a machined aluminum engine cover that covers the engine case cover. The shape of the case cover is converted into data using a 3D scan. The data is then fed into a CAD system and machined by a machining center. The appeal of these is the design that matches the styling of your motorcycle. It's so good that it's used in many of the motorcycles in the All Japan Road Race Championship.

It is a must-have item to prepare for unexpected troubles.

Engine Slider

●Compatible: Main models in general
●Price including tax: 9900 yen~
Duralumin base plate and DURACON plastic with low friction coefficient are combined. It has high protection effect. The simple design is also attractive to make the best use of your motorcycle's styling.

Timing Hole Plug

●Compatible: Main models in general
●Price including tax: Timing hole plug S - 12,100 yen / Timing hole plug M - 12,650 yen

The timing hole in the crankcase is used when inspecting the head area etc. Use that part to install. DURACON plugs are mounted on a machined aluminum base that is threaded to fit the timing holes.

Engine Cover Hard Protector

●Price including tax: 27,500 yen ~
The normal engine case cover is measured by 3D scan and converted into data. This data is then put into a CAD system and machined by a machining center. It is made of aluminum and has enough strength. It also conforms to race regulations.


See Accessories of BABYFACE
See HONDA Moto Index Page
see Accessories for HONDA CBR600RR
See Accessories for HONDA CBR1000RR Fireblade
