Model Name:CHAMP/80
Model Year:Jul 1986
The CHAMP which played an active role at motor scooter races, raised its power by 0.3PS and adopted an electronic fuel gauge. The SPECIAL version came with a 30W halogen light and a rear gas shock absorber.
Engine Type: | Air-Cooled 2 Stroke/Piston Reed Valve/Single Cylinder |
Engine Displacement: | 49cc |
Max. Power Output/Rev (PS/rpm): | 5.8PS/7000rpm |
Max. Torque/Rev (kg-m/rpm): | 0.61kg-m/6000rpm |
Weight(kg): | 56kg |
Tire Size(Front/Rear): | 3.00-8·2.75-10 |
Price(JPY): | 122 thousand yen (50) |
[See Moto Index of YAMAHA]
[See Accessories for YAMAHA CHAMP]
[See Accessories for YAMAHA CHAMP 80]