Model Name:750RS [Z2]
Model Year:Feb 1973
Made its debut as the Japanese model of Z1, which could not be sold in Japan. It was redesigned to demonstrate its best power characteristics. It is one of the famous motorcycles of the 20th century with lots of legends.
Engine Type: | Air-Cooled 4 Stroke/DOHC 2-Valve/Parallel 4-Cylinder |
Engine Displacement: | 746cc |
Max. Power Output/Rev (PS/rpm): | 69PS/9000rpm |
Max. Torque/Rev (kg-m/rpm): | 5.9kg-m/7500rpm |
Weight(kg): | 230kg |
Tire Size(Front/Rear): | 3.25-19・4.00-18 |
Price(JPY): | 418 thousand yen |
[See Moto Index of KAWASAKI]
[See Accessories for KAWASAKI Z2]