- The bolt was too long and had to be cut. 10mm was cut on the front side and 5mm on the rear side.Read More
- When purchasing Motorcycle, only two of Loading Hook's four places had this ACTIVELoading Hook attached.Although I thought it was halfway, when I looked at the price again, it got high in plain, I...Read More
- In normal times I love Tank Bag.butTake off cold weather in the early morning when you leave during the dayWhen purchasing souvenirs at the destination etc etc.If you bring Net and ropeWe can cope wit...Read More
- Loading nature is not high although I think whether Ninja400r is a Motorcycle with many Tourer components.By equipping with this Hook to the little of load credit part, the convenience at the time of ...Read More
- It attached to ninja1000.
It becomes very much easy to carry out fixation of the load to a backseat now.
A Design is also good and a price is also cheap.
It is recommended.
Read More - It becomes easy to stretch a Net and became very convenient for fixation of a load.
The Touring is pleasant to fix a big load to the Rear seat.
Read More - Although a Net could not be used but it worried about little shopping etc. until now which was attached to NINJA 400R, they are perfection and trouble dissolution now.
Read More - It saw in the Site, and since it was high evaluation, it purchased.
Since there was no custom which fixes a load in the Net etc., it was intact, but I also regarded texture as it being the Items whic...Read More - It was attached to Ninja1000. A color is black. Although the hook is attached to the car body, since it is a tandem step position, it would be hard to use if it does not have a quite long cord or a ne...Read More
- When ER-6f was purchased as used, it had been attached from the beginning. Although seldom still used, since a net is covered, in case of emergency, it is safe. It is the item which has no loss to be ...Read More
- "It attached to Ninja1000. Since there is a length of a luggage hanging part and structure is also solid than expected, there is a sense of security. Since it united with the body color although I cho...Read More
- Since there was no hook in NINJA1000, this was attached. Appearance is not bad, either, and it is convenient when carrying a load in a net etc. Since it is not caught in dress for the moment, there is...Read More
- It attached to ninja400r. When using a net, it plays an active part. Moreover, since it protrudes rather than the blinker of RIA, the effect as a slider is also expectable.Read More