- It looks exactly like the original counterpart from ZXR250. Fits perfectly and bleeds very easily. Braking feels firm and solid. Read More
- I'm very happy with the product. It's not easy to find other aftermarket replacement for my ZXR250 and this one is pretty much like the original. Only difference is the oil reservoir, being shaped hig...Read More
- Easy bleeding during installation . Upgraded from 11mm to 14mm axial. Love the lever feels. Installed on Yamaha Vixion-R 155 . Read More
- 2010년식 GSX-1250FA 순정 마스터 실린더 대용으로 설치하였습니다. 피팅은 완벽하게 잘맞고, 브레이크 조작감도 순정과 동일합니다.다만, 브레이크액 리저브 탱크를 핸들에 고정시키는 볼트는 동봉되지 않아서 따로 구매해야 합니다. 나사산의 피치가 맞는 것을 찾는데 여러번의 시행착오를 겪었습니다. 제품은 매우 만족합니다.
---------------...Read More - I rebuild my bike up. There were a lot of Brake Master Cylinder on the market but I was hesitant because I was dubious from their manufacturer. I found this online for my Honda Bros NT400J 1988. I'm h...Read More
- In order to install the brembo 4Pot, the capacity of the OEMMASTER becomes insufficient and "Parenthesis is somehow good", so it was introduced. (Lol) wwwThere is no interference to Cowl because Separ...Read More
- 아직 사용전입니다만..
핸들바 교체로 인해 안정적인 브레이크를 위하여 구입했습니다.
배송이 빨라서 매우 만족입니다. 하지만 포장상태는 불량 합니다.
패키지 안에서 제품이 마구 움직였고, 레버또한 마구 흔들렸습니다.
다음엔 포장에대해 신경을 써주세요.
I have not used it yet....Read More - Purchasing is better than replacing MASTERParts. However, Rubber hose which connects separate banks of Tank diverted handheld Hose shortly and Back Mirror attachment screw hole hurts when rain and gar...Read More
- I bought it for for Repair of RGV 250 γYou can also choose ColoringPartsSingle Item can be repairedYou can keep using it at easeRead More
- Compared to the previous MASTER which did not work unless it grasped Brake well enough, NISSIN got a little hold and it works well.I think that it is good for each person, but it was good for me.Perso...Read More
- It changed from the Normal master.
As aiming, although six-step adjustment and NORMAL +alpha were aimed at at the reasonable price with the Single disc! I consider radial C this time [ > ].
Read More - A Touch becomes quite hard although it is phi14mm like being pure about whether pure lay is hard structure.
Now, they are four pods of a brembo. Although changed into the Casting, a Touch is hammer...Read More - They are goods which are purchased until now and can be regarded as the best.
Even if attachment does not have a description, it can be done simply, but Air omission of a Brake fluid is about [ sligh...Read More - Change of the engine performance in a single article is not known well however, since it equipped with the Mesh hose and the Brembo caliper together, a regulating function also has a Style well, it at...Read More
- If it OH(s) since the pure master worsened in the tune, ... will be thought and it will purchase. Since it became a different body type from the square integral-type reserve tank, it became a race ish...Read More
- When the large-sized motorcycle is used as the main motorcycle and a scooter, an off-road motorcycle, etc. are used only for commuting, is finishing of various components or each part never compared w...Read More