- It is well made and has a cool shape.Read More
- [How is it used?When the vehicle was purchased, it was equipped with Y's Gear's Brush guard, but we wanted to install a full-wrap aluminum handguard and began considering it.Since we have ZETA's Adven...Read More
- I installed this product on a 2023 MD47. Since this product is designed specifically for each car model, I was able to install it without any problems. It was quite a hassle to install this product an...Read More
- It was for JA60 but I bought it for JA45.The Clearance of the HandlebarRight Side with Hydraulic Brake and Drum type Brake was a mystery.As a result, it can be installed on a JA45 in one case. Please ...Read More
- Installed on a Grom JC92, no problems.MONKEY and Grom were also listed in the Package, so that's what it is.I previously installed a product for about $5,000 on my Off car and when it fell over, the G...Read More
- I like the way it is made and looks. It is very solid.Read More
- 가벼운 접촉사고를 겪은 후에 눈여겨 보던 제품을 세일기간을 이용해서 구매했다.위바이크답게 꼼꼼하게 포장해서 보내왔고, 생각보다 큰 아머에 다소 놀랐지만 장착 후에 몽키125가 드레스업도 되고 또한 아머가드덕을 보는 일을 두번 겪어보니 구매하길 잘했단 생각이 든다.다소 비싼 가격이 아쉽긴 하지만 장착하길 잘했단 생각이 든다.망설이고 있다면 추천한다.
-...Read More - 너무 좋아요 만족합니다 세일기간에 저렴하게 잘구매 하였습니다 여러분들도 어서구매하세요 언젠가는 구매하실꺼니 빨리 세일할때 쟁여 놓으세요 ㅎ나의손을 보호해야 합니다 제타 제타 화이팅 아이 조아라 행복해라아라라 하하하라라하라라
I love it...Read More - It is easy to install as it is dedicated to the car model.Overseas Manufacturers sometimes do not have them in stock, so we decided to go with ZETA, which is quick and easy to install.Read More
- Since it is dedicated to the car model, no special modification was required and it was able to be installed without modification.The two-point fastening is quite Firmly fixed, so it will be safe in t...Read More
- I chose the CT110 HUNTER CUB because I thought it looked the best out of all the Handlebar Guard bars. (Subjective, of course.) The deciding factor was that it was a reliable Brand with a wide variety...Read More
- 헌터커브에 설치했다. 장착에는 포지션을 잡는 것에 약간의 어려움이 있었지만 큰 어려움은 아니었다. 하지만 범용성을 위한 너클가드 부의 길이가 길어 핸들을 최대각도로 좌우 조향했을 때 쓰로틀 케이블이 우측 너클가드 종단에 걸려서 간섭을 받기에 직접 가공하여 잘라내어 설치하였다.
------------------------------------------...Read More - Installed on a DL1000 V-STROM250SX.The handlebar side screw has an open M6 female screw. This screw cannot be removed.Since this product is installed with M8, I drilled a pre-drilled hole with φ6.8 in...Read More
- I installed the 8BK-MD47 without any hesitation, but as I checked beforehand, the 8BK-MD47 cannot be installed with the Clutch Side's exclusive Spacer because its outer diameter is too large, so sever...Read More
- ct125분에게는 강력 추천 드립니다.단품으로 써도 아주 괜찮은 제품입니다. 핸들 떨림을 줄여줍니다. 가격면에서 값어치를 해줍니다.이 이상의 핸드가드는 딱히 필요해 보이진 않습니다.여기에 파츠만 좀 더 추가해서 꾸며보세요.
strongly r...Read More - The Accelerator Wire is caught in the Guard when operating the Handlebar, and the optional Scud Protector also interferes with the Blinker. I have given up and use it with the interference.The Squid P...Read More