- The Main of this work will be when removing the M6 Bolt on the Rear Fender.I mounted it by hanging it from the Frame under the Rear Sets with a Vinyl string. This way, I can work alone.The SupportBrac...Read More
- Installation is a simple job if you have the necessary tools, but if you are working alone, it took a lot of time because you have to apply screw lock to the upper rolls of four washers at the same ti...Read More
- 튼튼하고 멋진 디자인과 빠른 배송에 만족합니다!! 설치하는데 다소 힘들었지만 내구성과 기능면에서 더없이 좋은 제품으로 생각합니다. 앞으로도 좋은 제품으로 만날수 있기를 희망합니다. 스즈키 125에 탑박스를 장착하실 분들은 이제품을 꼭 사용해보시길 추천합니다.
----------------------------------------------------...Read More - 신속한 배송과 우수한 품질에 만족합니다. 제품을 장착해본 결과 멋집니다. 앞으로 짐받이에는 무엇을 실을지 다양하게 고려해보겠습니다. 앞으로도 좋은 제품을 만들어주시길 부탁드립니다. 다만 한가지 부탁드리고 싶은것은 허용하중이 최대 8KG인데 이것을 좀 더 늘려주셨으면 합니다. 짐받이에 탑박스를 장착할 경우, 하중이 좀 더 필요로 할수도 있다고 봅니다.
...Read More - It is made to be firm or strong.That would probably increase the weight, but ….It is also a Grab Bar, so this sense of rigidity is reassuring.However, when attaching the bracket to the back of the Fen...Read More
- The KIJIMA Rear Carrier that I had purchased before broke from the bent part of the bracket. I had a hard time to install it at first, but I found it easy to install after I fixed the collar and washe...Read More
- We used it for long touring with Camping accommodation.We were able to load our luggage, Camping gear, Tent, sleeping bags, etc. to stay overnight.Full Cowl's SUPER SPORTS750 is not as loadable, thoug...Read More
- The product is very good.When I put it on, I MATCH it to sv650.The installation will be very hang.I like it because of its solid construction. The price seems a little high.Read More
- It took about 5 days to arrive after ordering.The product that arrived was just as I expected, quite solidly made of steel and not delicate.The installation is a bit frustrating in that the product do...Read More
- I have been search for suitable CB350 rear rack when I come across endurance rack for GB350. After doing much research to the dimensions of the said product, I decided to proceed with the purchase. Or...Read More
- As you say, there are gaps.For now, the gap will be considered later with WaterproofSponge and Vinyl Tape.However, it sticks out much further back than I had imagined, so the Fender Eliminator was not...Read More
- I purchased this product to install Top case.I have known for a long time that they were highly rated, so I chose one.Since this is a large component, it is a little more difficult to install by yours...Read More
- I bought this product to install GIVI's Pannier case on my SV650. I chose this product because it seems to have the largest load capacity.The Pipe is thicker and the installation uses Fender and Tande...Read More
- Happy with fast shipment arrived and the product quality is very good and fits nicely on the bike. Assure to order again for more partsRead More
- Purchased to carry a rear seat bag.There was not much room for loading as normal, but after installing this product, there was much more room.Installation is fairly easy, as the Screws need only be re...Read More
- I bought it with the intention of installing a RearTop case in the future.The product is sturdy and the Frame is the same thickness as the Handlebar, so it will have many applications when touring.Whe...Read More