- I bought this product because my sciatic bone hurts when touring, so I bought this product, which can be used almost exclusively with my accumulated Points.I considered Gelzab, but due to the pros and...Read More
- It's riding a monkey yellow color.
The seating area was gray checked, so the overall feeling was not good. So I looked into replacing the all-black genuine sheet and found that the price was too expen...Read More - 끈으로 조이는 방식입니다.잘못된 방향으로 끈을 조이면 찢어질 수 있습니다.끈을 조일 때 입구 부분이 찢어지지 않도록 주의하셔야 합니다.쿠션감도 좋아지고 제품 자체의 퀄리티가 좋습니다.화려한 순정 시트가 부담스러운 사람에게 추천하고 싶습니다.
...Read More - I have a Gel zab under the Seat cover to reduce the pain in my buttocks. Therefore, I cannot verify if this Seat cover is effective. Sorry. The construction is overall good. So why did we call it chea...Read More
- About quality and texture, I can confirm that the quality is great and that the material used is black synthetic leather with stitching to create that diamond pattern. About the feeling of use, This s...Read More
- About quality and texture, I can confirm that the quality is great and that the material used is brown synthetic leather with stitching to create that diamond pattern. About the feeling of use, This b...Read More
- Cushioning is better and a little less strain on the lower back.However, I have to admit that I thought the OEM Tuck roll might be better from a looks perspective.If you are concerned about the positi...Read More
- After attaching the Rear Carrier.Put your shoes on Seat's Rear when you get in and out.I've been getting hit a lot, and I've been getting hit by OEMSeat.I got a line scratch, and I'm not sure if I can...Read More
- SP TAKEGAWA 棕色菱格型座墊套 適用Rebel 250/500車型, 有別於原廠出廠的棕色菱形座墊套壓印的方式是採用縫線的方式,下雨時可能會造成座墊溼的影響,不過在價格上比較實惠而且一樣能改變原廠的黑色單調座墊設計,值得推薦!
SP TAKEGAWA brown diamond la...Read More - Today, I have been using SP Mukawa's Mesh cover for MONKEY125, but I don't know if the season has changed As we are heading for winter, I replaced it with Diamond stitch Cover and installed Exactly Th...Read More
- I bought it without any hesitation because it was released at Timing when I got tired of the normal seatIn the Instruction Manual, Seat is said to be installed after removing it, but it is installed I...Read More