- PowerBox is a popular choice for not only CRF250rally but also 250cc Single.From the start, the torque and acceleration were clearly better than those of the NORMAL, and the mid-range acceleration was...Read More
- Speaking of CRF!It is easier to ride because I no longer feel like stalling at low speeds in first and second gear.I don't know if it was only the effect of the Exhaust System, since I changed the Sil...Read More
- SP Tadao used to run SDR with Jackal Chamber. Silencer is equipped with SP Mukawa's Cone Oval Exhaust System.I am removing the exhaust pipe for the first time, so it would be helpful to have an instru...Read More
- The motivation for purchasing 19MRALLY50 was Ann Label'sI wanted a RALLY50TrekExhaust System, so I replaced it right away.Normal muffler is not very impressive, but it has been around for 2 years.I go...Read More
- Exhaust pipe paint peeled off. (pretext) I bought it because of theIt is clean and affordable.In case of using OEMSilencer, Instruction Manual says that the gasket can be easily removed, but it is pro...Read More
- [How is it used?The SEROW225W I had been using until then was getting old, so I switched to a used SEROW250, which was used and reasonably priced.At that time, SEROW250 was not as expensive as it is t...Read More
- The well-known SP Tadao PowerBox.CRF is a good Engine with quite a bit of Torque.But it is even better with the PowerBox on.Not to mention 300cc,280ccBore up? It will have a Torque feel that will make...Read More
- From the moment I put it on, Torque was thicker and the jerky low speed was improved.The best thing is that it is easy to ride.Read More
- The TIG weld bead is beautiful.Silencer and Quantity:Replaced from OEM at Set and I'm glad I bought it.Read More
- It is a 2012 SEROW, so it comes with a sub chamber.I am Large satisfied with the texture, sound, Cost performance, and Torque.It is also a perfect match for Beam's Power Trek Exhaust.The joint with th...Read More
- 这是用于CRF250RALLY的前段排气,网上看了很多评论,普遍反馈这个很好;后段我买的是YOSHIMURA的RSJ4 不锈钢尾段,整体搭配非常好,因为前期进行了SP武川的305CC扩缸套件,牵一发而动全身,进气和排气都要改动,整体声音有铃铃铃的打击鼓点声音,很好听,保证了低扭的输出和高扭的动力,挺好的,满意!
----------------------------------------...Read More - Fast delivery time … lower prices.The effect was as per other Reviews.I'm not much of a believer in these products.Torque up at low and medium speeds and the effect is definitely there.I'm glad I boug...Read More
- Fast delivery timeAnd it only takes two hours to install!The effect is an overall acceleration improvement…I was able to satisfy as per Review.Read More
- Inventory was clear and delivery was as indicated on the order.Installation is as easy as in the Review!The instruction manual was easy to understand, and the work went very well.HoweverLiquid Gasket ...Read More
- I think it takes about 30 minutes with the installation Self.It's like Torque on Smooth.Easy city driving with YOSHIMURA's Silencer.The combination is a bit of a gap.Liquid Gas painted.Read More
- I installed it immediately after purchasing CRF250 RALLY.I think the crisp exhaust sound and Response has improved.Read More