- I was careful but I broke the Switch.Idiot,It wasn't that hard to replace, I was really angry at my own carelessness.I'm sorry, I honestly don't understand the difference between this and NORMAL.Read More
- Brake (ZETA Zita:F5578) and replaced at the same time.As others have said, Clutch is easier to operate than OEM.That alone is Large satisfying!It is still too short, and I usually operate it with four...Read More
- Stated that the lever will fold if bike falls on ground, did not happen. My mechanics are dirtbikers / super motard experts, they explained that the Zeta levers I received do not have the folding mech...Read More
- I have used this for all successive generations of Motorcycle. The texture, shape, and feel are excellent. I am sorry to say that RoadforVehicle products tend to be small because it was originally the...Read More
- 좋은 가격에 배송까지 빠르네요국내에서 주문 했다가 취소하고 위바이크에서 직구로 구매했습니다가격도 저렴하고 배송도 생각보다 빠르네요 아주 만족 합니다브렘보클러치레버보다 가성비, 기능면에서 더 좋네요유명한 제품이라 뭐 다른 할말이 없네요ㅋㅋㅋ
G...Read More - 예전에 21년식 yzf r1 에도 이 클러치 레버를 사용했다 매우만족 스럽다 가격도 적당하고 품질이 견고하고 정밀하다이번에 zx10R 18년식에도 이 레버를 장착한다 역시나 품질엔 의심이 없고 작동도 매우 정확하다 나는 앞으로도 zeta 레버를 사용 할 것 같다
--------------------------------------------------...Read More - Brake Easy to grip and use as well as leverIt looks cool and perfect!There was no XJR400R setup, so I replaced it with an FZ1N Bracket.I changed the adjuster from M10 to M8 with Recoil.A dress-up adju...Read More
- [How is it used?I got a VTR1000SP2 from an acquaintance that had been neglected for a long time, and the lever was not OEM, but a cheap type of machined type that looked a little weird when you held i...Read More
- Along with the brake lever replacement, the clutch lever was also replaced.As with the Brake lever, we are pleased with the fine-tuning capability and the texture.I would have also appreciated a lower...Read More
- I decided to use ZETA's Clutch and Brake on road as well, because I was happy with the usability of them in off-road.Installation is easyRead More
- My car is Suzuki. It's Hayabusa My fingers hurt because of frequent clutch manipulation because my hands were small After switching to zeta lever, these symptoms disappearedRead More
- It's subjective, but it's lighter to operate, and my fingers don't hurt as much as they did with Kanaya's.Read More
- The clutch lever was also replaced along with the brake lever.The Clutch felt far away, but after adjustment, it is now slightly closer and easier to operate.Installation was easy, and the Brake and C...Read More
- Instruction Manual is included, but it is not very detailed, but it is not that difficult.It looks better and the adjustments can be set more precisely, improving the feel of the operation.Read More
- Installed on a ZrX1200R.MASTER is Nisshin's Radial.I am satisfied with the texture and appearance, but there is a little interference with the Passing switch when I hold the Clutch. I am considering m...Read More
- It is the most powerful cosmetic product yet it is solidly made. There are 20 levels of grip distance adjusters, so you can fine-tune the grip to suit your Gloves.Read More