- [How is it used?Grip of YAMAHA XJR400R was worn out and replaced.YAMAHAOEM→HONDAOEM→DOMINO in that order.How was your experience with it?The grip is the most comfortable as it is called Street Type.I ...Read More
- 拿到手里就感觉到质感非常好,做工也很精致,安装的感受也很贴合,没有过紧或过松的感觉,装好试了一下,手感真的好。 凯旋 原车的手把才两年,已经发粘了,唯一一点有些小细节处理的不够好,把套头有一些毛边看着不是特别舒服,使用上没有问题
When I got it in my ...Read More - [How is it used?It will be installed on YZF-R1.I am using the current Domino Race type? but it is no longer uneven and smooth, so I am replacing it w▼Black×Color:Gray (currently mounted Grip)https://w...Read More
- I chose this DominoStreet Type among various grips. It is a little bit expensive, but it is only about 3000 yen, so I chose the popular Domino. I could not feel the grips as much as you said because o...Read More
- It feels good at first, but it wears out fast, and when it wears down, it's uncomfortable to feel and sticky to heat.I'll end up settling on the Honda OEMGrip, that Taper is easy to grip.Read More
- I'm using it on my KTM 125DUKEWhen I removed the OEMGrip, it was originally quite thick, so it was used The impression is not much different asThe diameter is a little thinner, so it's easier to reach...Read More
- I fell on the WR250X and had a Hand guard on it, so I went with the Pierced Type of this I changed itIt looks better and more stylish than the OEMGripIt has a good grip, but it does not reduce vibrati...Read More
- This domino Street Type Grip perfectly fits my honda cb190r (both the length and size). The texture is really good and a little bit sticky.Read More
- Installed in CYGNUS X SR.It is 126 mm so it's a bit more end.The feeling of grasping looks is also very good, but the m and n parts of dominoLogo have come off in 3 days after wearing ^ ^;(It is a...Read More
- I used it even when I was riding in the past and purchased it because I wanted to continue using it even after transfer.It was the same as in the case of the previous model, but on the Axel side it wi...Read More
- Equipped with GPZ 1100, we are using.Previously I used DAYTONA 's Grip and exchanged it here.Compared to DAYTONA, Grip is hard to deform and is hard to slip even when firmly grasping.Grip is thin ...Read More
- I was glad that it was attached to the CB1300SB that I was on before, so I will transfer and change from OEM.Separately the OEM was not wearing out, but the feeling of the ruggedness of OEM was bad co...Read More
- Design carved logo on HondaOEMBefore this I used the same shape Grip without Domino Logo (Same shape as Honda OEM)It is softer than the Honda OEM Product, and the inside is thinner, so the operability...Read More
- It is 127 mm, but I put Urethane's curlers.Handlebar is about to hide a little.Axel may not have needed it wWiring is 0. 55mmQuantity : It is 2pc multiplied.There is Custom feeling in design as we...Read More
- I used quite a lot of Manufacturer 's Grip but Domino' s Grip purchased I tried trying from what I did not know. I thought that the feeling that I weared is unexpectedly slim and I think that ...Read More
- NORMAL 's Black color is somewhat unsatisfactory, so I made it popular DominoGrip. The feeling you grasped well looks a little harder than NORMAL.Read More