- I use it as is in pre-set, pre-set is excellent!Read More
- Used with IntakeDuct for KLX150.It is good to be able to do fine setting according to RPM and Axel opening.It is still Large body setting, but at high RPM range, it is just right to make it about 15% ...Read More
- This is the first time I have installed a sub computer and it has changed the way I drive.I'm changing to BEET's Full Exhaust System.I recently replaced only Silencer with Maverick.The fuel has thinne...Read More
- I installed it on my ZX14R with BEET's Full Exhaust System, and asked the distributor, Blue lightRACING, to do the setting.Before setting:192.9 PS, 15.4 kg-mAfter setting, the results were 195.7 PS an...Read More
- Installed on 99GSX1300R HAYABUSA.It interrupts the Throttle position sensor and the Direct Ignition wiring, and it is only a power supply, but it uses the DIWiring for the RPM monitor, and the Butterf...Read More
- I bought it along with the exchange of TRFull Exhaust System of TSUKIGI. The full exhaust system replacement only, at about 2000-3500, a thin symptom of breathing comes out morosely. It improves a lot...Read More
- When I replaced the AirCleaner, I was concerned about the thin fuel tone at high RPM, so I installed the AirCleaner.The fuel can be increased in comparison with NORMAL, so it is possible to use high R...Read More
- I bought the AfterFire after replacing the external exhaust system because I was curious about it.It was much less with NORMAL, but it's almost gone after the adjustment.Installation is not difficult....Read More
- It is not difficult because the installation was not a coupler but a Bullet Terminal No, but the processing area was too small for meBecause the length of the surrounding and wiring changes because on...Read More
- SR400fi 2010 MODEL with DAYTONA's CABTON Exhaust System is installedI turned the Axel slightly to get a better release Pop The engine stops when the engine is sucked in and there is a trough in the en...Read More
- I installed it when I changed the air intake and exhaust systems, but it's not a compatible car model, so I asked BLR for confirmation I used the one for GLADIUS 650 It is easy to install it just by i...Read More
- About two weeks of installation I still do not understand well.Instruction Manual is difficult to understand and can not be used.I think that it is easier if you attach Wiring diagram to Illustration,...Read More
- I exchanged Exhaust System to Wyvern, but AfterFire was not NORMALSince it happens occasionally, I purchased it using Point.I think that it will duplicate everyone's impressions, but installation ...Read More
- Used for '08 KLX 250.When exhaust system was exchanged, I was concerned about Setting Gap and purchased it without touching.(⌒-⌒;) (sweat)In the case of Carburetor Vehicles, it took time and labor...Read More
- Since the fire did not match after MORIWAKISilencer, I asked for installation and setting at Blue light RACING 's Events.PowerCheck result is +0. 3ps +0. If 1 kg and 250 cc feel like this.What sur...Read More
- Since this coupler of Motorcycle is Large enough, it is in a state where Limit can fit within Cowl if you replace it.There is no problem mounting, but setting is Large strange, I think that those who ...Read More