- Cheap, good, easy to install, and affordableRead More
- I also changed the filter while replacing the oil in the KTM RC125.OEMs have long &expensive delivery times because of foreign cars, but this product is readily available &inexpensive &with domestic q...Read More
- Purchased with the addition of the Pulsar 200. Since KIJIMA is a motorcycle manufacturer, OEM products are hard to come by, but there are many parts that are compatible with the 200 Duke, so I purchas...Read More
- I buy it every time. It can be used without any damage compared to BMW OEM.Read More
- Basically, I think there is no difference between the two products. I would have to disassemble it and check the length of Filter filter paper.As the role of the filter is to remove foreign matter, it...Read More
- I use it every time I change the oil every 3000 km. I have had no problems with it, and I buy it as stock when I purchase parts.Read More
- Used on a 2020 1290 SuperDukeR.The only complaint I have about the Oil Filter, which is the most cost-effective, is that there is no place to hook it when replacing the filter next time, so it is diff...Read More
- Please let me know how it is used, it is an OEM Equivalent Product, so no problem.Read More
- DREAM50.The carburetorMonkey engineInstalled on DAYTONA secondary ClutchDAYTONA specified parts are relatively expensive.DREAM50 will be cheaper.Just for trivia's sake.It does not work with Daytona cl...Read More
- It's my fault for not checking the product information and ordering just by looking at the Impression, but it was a Filter only product with no 'O'Ring in it.It's been posted that it's in Impression.....Read More
- Thank you for the SPIDI-like delivery.Read More
- [How is it used?Replacement for HarleyOEMOil Filter HD-08705How was your experience with it?When I tried to tighten the main unit with a Wrench made by KIJIMA, the Wrench would not go in because it in...Read More
- 레블1100에 쓸려구 재구매했습니다.가격이 좀 올랐네요;순정품보다 싼 합리적인 가격이라 자주 이용할거 같습니다.C125, 몽키125,레블1100까지 호환되니 아주 좋습니다.각개포장도 고급스럽습니다. 가격대비 정말 짱
I repurchased ...Read More - I used to use OEM Product because of the peace of mind of OEM, but due to the price increase of OEM Product, I bought Other Brand Product for the first time.Long's had a different color of Filter pape...Read More
- I used to use KTMOEM Product for many years, but due to repeated price increase, I bought Filter of Other Brand Product for the first time.Large size is almost the same as OEM Product.The Long one is ...Read More
- Plating appearance and good fit.Read More