- 대기어 톱니를 한칸 올렸습니다.해당 체인으로 주문하여 장착하였습니다.제품 퀄리티가 매우 좋습니다.배송 또한 빠르게 진행되었습니다.주행감이 순정과는 다르게 힘이 느껴집니다.다음 주문에도 동일한 제품으로 사용할 계획입니다.감사합니다.
The te...Read More - One of the best chains for the price
D.I.D is well known for there quality products.
Highly recommend this chain for motorcycles like grom or monkeyRead More - The monkey chain I purchased used was in poor condition, so I purchased it as a replacement for the genuine product.
It's nice to be able to use a gold chain at an affordable price.
I was able to see ...Read More - About quality and texture: I am happy with the quality of the 420D black and gold standard series chain from DID, a steel non sealed drive chain with a joint clip that is the same strength as the OEM ...Read More
- I thought it would be nice to use only gold, but I thought it would be better to use a chain with black part for my ksr110. The price is reasonable, and I asked T Bicycle Shokai, who has been taking c...Read More
- I bought it because it was on sale. The performance is supposed to be the same as the Standard one, but the appearance is flashy. (Lol) Steel will rust.Read More
- LITTLE CUB has the Chain as a full cover type, but I dare you to I removed half of the Cover to show the gold chain To be changedRead More
- The model is HONDA SUPER CUB110 13', I think d.i.d durability is very reliable, 10,000 km use period, saving maintenance costs!Read More
- This is the best for Mini bikeIt looks good and COSPA is goodHow about durability, cleaning from 200 to 800 kilometers when there is time, I do not feel that I am stretching too muchNext will also Rep...Read More
- I am allowed to use it for Mini bike race but it can be used without problems.I like the color for the cheap price but I feel like the growth is slightly faster than the Standard Black Chain.There is ...Read More
- Currently, I use Reinforced type Chain, but it is somewhat heavy, Noise is Large, so after a while, I will exchange it here. 100 to 150 g is lighter than Reinforced type, so it seems to be expected fo...Read More
- Chain of MAGNA 50 was rusted, so I replaced it for this item. Replace crisp because it is Clip closure.I think that it looks nice and I can ride without worrying about elongation because the price is ...Read More
- Hello, everybody! I have just received this chain. It is too early to plug it, because it winter in Russia)))Chain looks great, strong, smart! Anoter thing I'm delighted - shipping time! It's amazingl...Read More
- I bought a new Chain because I changed Swingarm to Long. Color is Gold so it looks a little flashy and I am very satisfied.. The price should be reasonable as well..Read More
- I attached it to CUB90DX. Gold & Black's coloring is irresistibly Cool !! FrontSprocket → 16T. Rear → 38 T. It was Exactly at 98 LINK.Read More
- Swingarm I thought that Gold purchased along with the exchange was flashy, but I am satisfied with a little fashionable feeling not at all flashy after wearingRead More