- Fits:
- HONDA CL250 All MC57 models
- HONDA glom All JC75 models/All JC92 models
- HONDA MONKEY125 All JB02 models/All JB03 models/All JB05 models
주문한지 좀 되었지만 리뷰작성이 늦었다.
배송은 빠르고 설치는 쉽다
하지만 반듯하게 붙이기가 어렵다.
스티커 재질은 좋아보인다
색상도 무난하고 좋다
하지만 가격이 조금 비싸다...Read More - Fits:
배송 잘 받았습니다
설치난이도는 매우 쉽고 인터넷이나 유튜브 검색하면
아주 잘 나와있습니다
다음에도 구매하겠습니다.
The difficulty of installation is very easy and if you search the internet or YouTube, it comes out very well
I'll buy it again next t...Read More - Fits:
- HONDA MONKEY125 19-21
I bought it really well It's pretty and I'm satisfied I ordered fast delivery and free delivery event last month
The difficulty of installation is very easy and if you search the internet or YouTube, ...Read More - Fits:
- HONDA Monkey125 21-22|23 [vehicle model]8BJ-JB03 [engine model]JB03E
배송은 좀 늦었지만 잘받았습니다
설치는 쉽고 소리도 좋습니다
하지만 머플러 연결부위에서 약간 배기가 새는거 같아 다시 확인해봐야겠습니다.
소리가 좋아 타는 재미가 더 느껴졌습니다
나중에도 지인과 함께 구매 하겠습니다.
내구성 오래갔으면 합니다Read More - Fits:
- HONDA MONKEY125 All JB02 models/All JB03 models/All JB05 models
몽키125 키타코 힐가드 힐플레이트 잘 받았다
하지만 양면테이프가 좀 뜨는게 있지만 이쁘게 잘 붙임
타는데 지장없지만 오랫동안 유지됬으면 합니다
키타코 제품만 커브부터 그롬 몽키까지 잘 애용중
빠른배송 감사합니다 잘 사용하고 나즁에 또 주문합니다Read More - Fits:
- HONDA MONKEY125 All JB02 models/All JB03 models/All JB05 models
Kitako products are often used, but they are also durable and good quality.
Buy another product next time.
Thanks for the fast delivery.
I love Kitako. I love the fast delivery of the We Bike! Read More - Fits:
- HONDA MONKEY125 19-21
Zeta Handle Guard Purchase
Delivery is fast and good, and protection is excellent.
The 10th time, everyone is satisfied.
I would recommend it to others and buy some.
Thank you. Read More - Fits:
- HONDA glom All JC61 models/All JC75 models/All JC92 models
- HONDA MONKEY125 All JB02 models/All JB03 models/All JB05 models
Delivery is fast and very good.
Definitely a good fit and great product.
I'll buy it next time.
Thank you.
KITACO Shift Link
Product # 516-1432900...Read More - Fits:
- HONDA MONKEY125 All JB03/JB05 models (for vehicles with stock muffler)
Thanks for the fast delivery.
Not yet installed, but the quality is strong and expected.
I'll leave a comment after the installation.
I will sell a lot and buy other products next time.Read More - Fits:
- HONDA TRAIL125 21-24
- HONDA CT125 23 JA65
- HONDA CT125 20-22 JA55
Very Good !! Best! or Speed Get Thank you
Be sure to focus your comments on the product.
We do not accept your post if you use same alphabet, number, or mark over 3 characters in a row.
We would dele...Read More - Fits:
- HONDA SUPER CUBC125 18-21 2BJ-JA48
Very Good !! Best! or Speed Get Thank you
Be sure to focus your comments on the product.
We do not accept your post if you use same alphabet, number, or mark over 3 characters in a row.
We would dele...Read More - Fits:
- HONDA MONKEY125 (JB02-1000001 or later)
- HONDA MONKEY125 (JB03-1000001 or later)
- HONDA MONKEY125 (JB05-1000001 or later)
- HONDA MONKEY125 (JB05-1000001-)
Very Good
Be sure to focus your comments on the product.
We do not accept your post if you use same alphabet, number, or mark over 3 characters in a row.
We would delete the images if you post the un...Read More - Fits:
- HONDA CT125CT110 HUNTER CUB All JA55/JA65 models
- HONDA DAX125 All JB04 models/All JB06 models
- HONDA MONKEY125 All JB02 models/All JB03 models/All JB05 models
very good item
Be sure to focus your comments on the product.
We do not accept your post if you use same alphabet, number, or mark over 3 characters in a row.
We would delete the images if you post t...Read More - Fits:
- HONDA SUPER CUBC125 18-21 2BJ-JA48
very Good Item!
Be sure to focus your comments on the product.
We do not accept your post if you use same alphabet, number, or mark over 3 characters in a row.
We would delete the images if you post ...Read More