As the name SportsPad suggests, it can be used for Sports and Circuit
I think it's a Type that works better in the back than in the beginning.
It's good for my taste.
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Fits: YAMAHA MT-01 07-09 W, X, Y Front Number of units:1 caliper *2 sets required, YAMAHA MT-01 07-10 W, X, Y, Z Front Number of units:1 caliper *2 sets required, YAMAHA V-Max 09-10 Y、Z Front Qty:1 Caliper XV1700Y, YAMAHA VMAX VMX17 08-09 Front Number of units:1 caliper *2 sets required, YAMAHA VMAX VMX17 12 Front Number of units:1 caliper *2 sets required View more
As the name SportsPad suggests, it can be used for Sports and Circuit
I think it's a Type that works better in the back than in the beginning.
It's good for my taste.
Fits: KAWASAKI Epsilon 150 02 SC150 A1 Front Qty:1 Caliper, KAWASAKI KLX125L 03-06 B1, B2, B3, B6F Front Qty:1 caliper
About quality and texture
Тормозные колодки отличного качества, сделаны в Японии по высоким стандартам, видны вкрапления металла, а также твердый состав колодки
About the feeling of use
После пробега в 6000 километров можно смело сказать, что это самые долговечные колодки с достойным торможением из представленных на рынке, я приложил фото состояния на данный момент и могу уверить, что толщина уменьшилась всего на 40-50%, при этом хочу отметить, что со стандартным ротором они прекрасно тормозят в любых ситуациях, будь они влажные после дождя или нагретые в солнечную погоду после длительного торможения, это не лучшие колодки по производительности, но соотношение качество и долговечность на высоком уровне
Products to buy together
Я считаю, что вместе с заменой колодок необходимо облуживание тормозной системы, чтобы быть уверенным, что система работает на максимум, но достаточно и простой замены колодок
Difficulty of installation
Простая установка вместо старых изношеных тормозных колодок с предварительным очищением тормозного суппорта
Cost performance and comparison with other products
Цена высока, но вы платите за скорость торможения, качество продукта и его долговечность, на чем экономить не стоит
About shipping and packaging
Мягкая упаковка в блистере, но продукт не подвержен повреждениям при перевозке, а также вся посылка была дополнительно упакована и запакована в противоударную пленку
Any concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasing
При покупке всегда обращайте внимание на производителя и советы по установке и эксплуатации, важно помнить, что колодкам необходима обкатка в течение 100-200 километром для предотвращения преждевременного повреждения материала колодки, а также для длительной службы----------------------------------------------------------About Quality and TextureExcellent quality brake pads are made in Japan according to high standards, metal intersperses are visible, as well as the hard composition of the blockAbout the Feeling of UseAfter a run of 6000 kilometers, we can safely say that these are the most durable pads with worthy braking from those presented in the market, I put a photo of the condition at the moment and I can assure that the thickness has decreased by only 40-50%, at the same time I want to note that from They are perfectly inhibited by a standard rotor in any situation, whether they are wet after rain or heated in sunny weather after prolonged braking, these are not the best performance pads, but the quality and durability at a high levelProducts to Buy TogetherI believe that along with the replacement of the pads, it is necessary to prolong the brake system to be sure that the system works at the maximum, but a simple replacement of the pads is enoughDifficulty of InstallationSimple installation instead of old worn brake pads with preliminary cleaning of the brake caliperCOST Performance and Comparison with Other ProductsThe price is high, but you pay for the speed of braking, the quality of the product and its durability, what to save onABOUT SHIPPing and PACKAGINGSoft packaging in the blist, but the product is not subject to damage during transportation, and the entire package was additionally packaged and packed in a shockproof filmAny Concerns, Countions, Or Advice When PurchacingWhen buying, always pay attention to the manufacturer and installation and operation tips, it is important to remember that the blocks need to run for 100-200 kilometer to prevent premature damage to the pad material, as well as for prolonged servicePowered by Google TranslatorView Detail
Fits: YAMAHA BT1100 Bulldog 02-08 P, R, S, T, V
I use it with brembo radipon and OEMCaliper.
It is easy to use from city driving to mountain passes, as it feels like it has a firm grip without being severe. 。 Circuit doesn't run, so I don't know.
This Pad is great! It's my ideal Brake effect!View Detail
Fits: YAMAHA YZF-R6 03-18 Front Qty:1 caliper *2 sets required, YAMAHA YZF-R1S 15-21 Front Number of units:1 caliper *2 sets required, YAMAHA YZF-R1M 15-21 Front Number of units:1 caliper *2 sets required, YAMAHA YZF-R1 15-21 Front Number of units:1 caliper *2 sets required, YAMAHA YZF-R1 15-21 ABS Front Number of units:1 caliper *2 sets required
Changed from the same Vesla Yellow color Series.
I had a problem with a fierce dragging right after driving, but for some reason the dragging decreased after replacing it with this.
It has not disappeared entirely, but it has been saved because it is no longer a practical problem.
Efficacy and Controllability are normal. No special feeling.
There are ways to use it, but if I run Motegi, I will not last 4 hours.
Anyway, if you suffer from the drag, it's worth a try.View Detail
Fits: YAMAHA XVS650AT V-Star Silverado 03-10 R/RC, S/SC, T/TC, V/VC, W/WC
It is an SR400Final edition and has a lot of OEMPad Dust, which is decreasing fast, so I was torn between DAYTONA's Golden Kai and Vesra, but I decided to go with Vesra, which looks more OEM.
I don't know about durability since I just replaced them, but I have no problem at all with the effectiveness and control, and the performance is better than OEM.View Detail
Fits: YAMAHA FZ6 Fazer-S2 07-17 W, X, Y, Z, A
[How is it used?
Used for HORNET 900
How was your experience with it?
It worked well enough.
I prefer DAYTONA's Red Pad because it doesn't work unless you step on it a lot.
Front has Metallica's Normal specifications.
I like the balance of the Front and Rear effects.View Detail
Purchased for regular replacement.
If it were a little cheaper, I could get a stable replacement...View Detail
The CBR650R is mounted at the same position angle as the NORMAL.
However, when the handlebar was cut to the Left lock, it interfered with the interior cover next to the Meter, so the interior cover was cut away.
I also purchased a 45° angled banjo adapter for the mesh hose to accommodate the tension of the mesh hose.
・NORMAL (Reserve integrated horizontal master) Impressions of
No complaints on public roads. Familiar feel and very easy to handle.
However, when the brake is set to "hard brake," the rate of increase in braking force relative to the input seems to decrease, and the brake becomes more forceful.
Radipon (Reserve separate body portrait master) Impressions of
It was totally different from what I expected, my expectation was that it would feel like a Rear brake…
It is really a mild and easy-to-handle radipon.
On public roads, it feels like NORMAL! I wonder if it's because NORMAL is the same NISSIN?
But I felt the radipon effect from Breaking a little stronger, and
It can be hung up to a hard brake without effort.
I felt trust that this could stop.View Detail
I purchased this for use with multiple Helmets. 。
Mount included with the BOLD.
Microphone and speaker are not included and must be purchased separately.View Detail
Grip that had been used for a long time was worn out and had to be replaced.
They are soft and dampen vibration.View Detail
[How is it used?
Used to lick Screw loose.
Was the one you received as per Image?
As per Image.
How was your experience with it?
When used on a strongly tightened Screw, it can be safely and securely removed.
The licked Screw was removed.
It is also useful for DIY Screw removal.
[Points to note]
When used on a licked Screw, it is best to beat it in with a Hammer before use.View Detail
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