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In the Motocrosser4st, we put in the highest quality oil in the specified amount of 1 liter, but we thought it would be a waste of money if we put in a Filter, so we put in oil that meets the top two requirements of the OEM and a Quantity once every two runs.:We are exchanging Set. I found a cheaper Oil Filter in the jungle. I found a cheaper Oil Filter in the jungle, but the bellows of the filtering surface was broken. quality aspect [Color] Clear/price is so-so and cheap, I use this. If the price is less than 500 yen, or if there is a service such as a bulk purchase, I personally think it is a casual 5 star cosmetic.
Good quality filter, as expected from Daytona products.It is pretty much easy to use, it is a simple paper filter after all.Bought this together with a gasket, changed my oil because I was doing repairs on the stator side.It is rather cheap, even cheaper to buy from WeBike with shipping included compared to local (PH)Shipping is fast and comes in the usual standard WeBike carton packaging.Make sure to lube it up before installation. View Detail
Packaging is good. I think It will work effectively such as Yamaha OEM oil filter. This daytona oil filter is very affordable. It's reasonable price.View Detail
I always use this because it is a cheap and reliable Manufacturer. I have used it many times and have not had any problems. I can't feel good or bad about the performance, so The most important thing is to be trustworthy.View Detail
I replace the oil in my XG250 TRICKER every 3000km and the Oil Element every 6000km. It is said that OEM products are the best for both cars and motorcycles, but DAYTONA's products are good enough to keep the performance. I use Other Brand Product because I drive about 20,000 km a year, so the number of times I have to replace the oil element is large, and it is easy on my wallet.View Detail
It is no different from the XG250 TRICKEROEM. Naturally, installation is easy and performance is not bad. (usually) The price is perfect as it is cheap and affordable.View Detail
When it comes to deck the bike, little things like this is extra but but some cases like this, the material feels more sturdy than the OEM's. A extra cost is sometimes worth it for personal feel. View Detail
2024년식 레블500에 사용하려고 구매했습니다. 혼다 순정품이 다소비싼 가격이라서 저렴한 자동차용 필터를 사용하는 소유주도 가끔씩있지만 왠지 사용하기가 불안해서 그나마 저렴한 데이토나 제품으로 주문했습니다. 순정품대비 내부마감 처리가 조금 미흡하지만 사용하는데 큰 문제는 없을것같습니다. 순정필터 가격이 부담되는 소유주들에게 추천합니다.View Detail
혼다 레블500에 사용할려고 주문했습니다. 몇번 주문하다보니 벌써 세번째 주문입니다. 오일필터 단품으로 주문하기보단 다른 부품이나 용품들 주문시 몇개씩 추가로 주문하기 좋은 금액대입니다. 혼다 순정품보다는 품질이 조금 아쉽지만 그럼에도 데이토나 제품답게 상당히 품질이 괜찮아서 순정품 대용으로 사용하기 좋습니다.View Detail
혼다 레블500 순정품 대용품으로 사용하기 좋습니다. 순정품과 같이 놓고 비교해보면 안쪽 마감처리나 패킹부분이 조금은 부족해보이지만 가격적인 측면을 생각해보면 충분히 납득가능한 수준입니다. 엔진오일 교환하면서 오일필터도 같이 교환해주고 천키로미터이상 주행해봤지만 특별히 누유가있거나 이상한 느낌은 없는듯합니다. 앞으로 오일필터는 이제품으로 쭉 이용할것 같습니다. View Detail
?attachment The CBR650R is mounted at the same position angle as the NORMAL. However, when the handlebar was cut to the Left lock, it interfered with the interior cover next to the Meter, so the interior cover was cut away. I also purchased a 45° angled banjo adapter for the mesh hose to accommodate the tension of the mesh hose. ・NORMAL (Reserve integrated horizontal master) Impressions of No complaints on public roads. Familiar feel and very easy to handle. However, when the brake is set to "hard brake," the rate of increase in braking force relative to the input seems to decrease, and the brake becomes more forceful. Radipon (Reserve separate body portrait master) Impressions of It was totally different from what I expected, my expectation was that it would feel like a Rear brake… It is really a mild and easy-to-handle radipon. On public roads, it feels like NORMAL! I wonder if it's because NORMAL is the same NISSIN? But I felt the radipon effect from Breaking a little stronger, and It can be hung up to a hard brake without effort. I felt trust that this could stop.View Detail
I purchased this for use with multiple Helmets. 。 Mount included with the BOLD. Microphone and speaker are not included and must be purchased separately.View Detail