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The BT46 is safe to drive on the mountain passes, aggressive as hell!
The BT46 rear tire no longer has the sacto, but the life does not seem to change much. I think it's a mistake to think that touring tires are inferior to high grip tires. It grips so hard that it is difficult to exceed the limits of the BT46 on mountain passes. If the Tire slips and falls, you might want to think that you are riding it wrong. I don't think the BT46 will exceed its limits if you attack the mountain passes normally.
I decided to go up one size from the NORMAL 130 to the 140. 3.50 rim width makes the height higher than the 130 and I feel more comfortable laying down. It also looks more powerful.View Detail
I used to have a BT-45 but I switched to a BT46 and the FeeRing is different. Maybe it's just my imagination but I felt the Compound got better. I think the amount of information from Tire has also improved the turning performance.View Detail
I reconfigured the BT-45 to the BT46. It is different from the previous Size.
BT-45 100.80-17 130/70-17
BT46 110/70-17 140/70-17
I ran it and the Handling changed. Setting change by Rear suspension of yss mz366. I pulled out the pre-road and adjusted the extension side and the handling became lighter and the turning became better. Even though it is a TouringBias, it has a grip feeling and can attack the mountain pass more than I expected.
Weekend is Grass Racer's Blog vol.2 https://syuumatunimente.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1995.html?spView Detail
The DUKE200's OEM tire size is 110/70R17 for Front and a perverted 150/60-17 for Rear... The overwhelming majority of them are 1x0/70R17, and 60 is rare?
The Rear was SizeDown's 140 desired, so I went with this one. It may not be a reference because the comparison is a bad India-made Tire, but it is the best from everything.
The TouringLevel Handling doesn't change as much as the 150->140 and 60->70. However, Seat height might have become a little higher.View Detail
순정 타이어지만 어디 하나 부족한 점이 없다고 생각하는 타이어입니다. 마일리지가 생각보다 괜찮게 나와주고 접지력 또한 개인적으로 만족하며 4만 KM 동안 이 타이어로만 교환하며 타고 있습니다. WEBIKE 글로벌에서 한국으로 타이어 판매가 다시 재개되어 기쁩니다.View Detail
?attachment The CBR650R is mounted at the same position angle as the NORMAL. However, when the handlebar was cut to the Left lock, it interfered with the interior cover next to the Meter, so the interior cover was cut away. I also purchased a 45° angled banjo adapter for the mesh hose to accommodate the tension of the mesh hose. ・NORMAL (Reserve integrated horizontal master) Impressions of No complaints on public roads. Familiar feel and very easy to handle. However, when the brake is set to "hard brake," the rate of increase in braking force relative to the input seems to decrease, and the brake becomes more forceful. Radipon (Reserve separate body portrait master) Impressions of It was totally different from what I expected, my expectation was that it would feel like a Rear brake… It is really a mild and easy-to-handle radipon. On public roads, it feels like NORMAL! I wonder if it's because NORMAL is the same NISSIN? But I felt the radipon effect from Breaking a little stronger, and It can be hung up to a hard brake without effort. I felt trust that this could stop.View Detail
I purchased this for use with multiple Helmets. 。 Mount included with the BOLD. Microphone and speaker are not included and must be purchased separately.View Detail