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Installed on the Front of a DUCATI MHR900. I bought a used Motorcycle with a 2012 Dunlop K300GP and it had no cracks and plenty of mountain left. When I tapped my fingernail, it didn't seem to bite into it very well. I don't want to run and fall with the old Tire, so I don't hesitate to replace it. So this time I went with the BS BT46F, ordered on 2/25 and arrived at the store on 3/3, Tire made in Japan, made in Japan, made in Japan. 0722." I am happy with that, because it was a production lot of I have only driven a skinned distance in the city, but I felt the ride was comfortable. I would like to use it Fully while it is fresh.
순정 타이어지만 어디 하나 부족한 점이 없다고 생각하는 타이어입니다. 마일리지가 생각보다 괜찮게 나와주고 접지력 또한 개인적으로 만족하며 4만 KM 동안 이 타이어로만 교환하며 타고 있습니다. WEBIKE 글로벌에서 한국으로 타이어 판매가 다시 재개되어 기쁩니다.View Detail
?attachment The CBR650R is mounted at the same position angle as the NORMAL. However, when the handlebar was cut to the Left lock, it interfered with the interior cover next to the Meter, so the interior cover was cut away. I also purchased a 45° angled banjo adapter for the mesh hose to accommodate the tension of the mesh hose. ・NORMAL (Reserve integrated horizontal master) Impressions of No complaints on public roads. Familiar feel and very easy to handle. However, when the brake is set to "hard brake," the rate of increase in braking force relative to the input seems to decrease, and the brake becomes more forceful. Radipon (Reserve separate body portrait master) Impressions of It was totally different from what I expected, my expectation was that it would feel like a Rear brake… It is really a mild and easy-to-handle radipon. On public roads, it feels like NORMAL! I wonder if it's because NORMAL is the same NISSIN? But I felt the radipon effect from Breaking a little stronger, and It can be hung up to a hard brake without effort. I felt trust that this could stop.View Detail
I purchased this for use with multiple Helmets. 。 Mount included with the BOLD. Microphone and speaker are not included and must be purchased separately.View Detail