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NGK Standard Plug CR6HSA при невысокой стоимости обеспечивают бесперебойную работу двигателя мопеда Yamaha YB-1 Four как в теплую погоду,так и при отрицательных температурах окружающего воздуха.NGK Standard Plug CR6HSA at low cost ensures uninterrupted operation of the engine of the Yamaha YB-1 Four moped both in warm weather and at negative ambient temperatures.(translated by Google Translator)View Detail
Moped 30,000 km without replacement, so I replaced it. I can't believe how much of a difference it made when I switched plugs! I still need to replace it regularly.View Detail
[How is it used? It is a nondescript OEM Normal plug. I purchased this as a spare for when Carburetor setting.
Was the one you received as per Image? As shown in the picture, it is a Normal plug, so it is as per Image.
Was the installation difficult? It is easy to replace with Plug wrench.
How was your experience with it? Since this is the standard Spec., it is not a mistake to start the carburetor setting from here.
[Included Parts:were they on? There is nothing else.
[Was there anything that disappointed you? Even if the electrode part is CUB, it can be somehow restored by rubbing with Brush. If they become too numerous, they will still die.
▼It's standard, so it's no surprise, but it's inexpensive, so having it as a Stock is useful for anything. Especially when setting carburetor, if you use expensive Iridium plugs, it is better to replace them at the end of setting after you have set up the carburetor to a certain extent.View Detail
Fits: YAMAHA GX750SP 76- [displacement]750 [number of units required]3, MAGNI JAPPONE52 Required quantity]2, YAMAHA SR400 LIMITED EDITION 95-21 3HT 95.8- [displacement]400 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA XV535/S 4KUX [displacement]535 [number of units required]2, MOTOGUZZI Norge 1200GT 06- [Number required]2
필요한 용품을 구매하고 나서는 산정한 예산에 여유가 있을 시 소모품을 미리 구매하는 편입니다. 아직 플러그 교환주기가 찾아오지도 않았고 성능 저하를 느껴본 적도 없지만 미리 구매해놓으면 마음의 여유가 생깁니다. FI 모델은 점화플러그 성능도 중요한 것 같습니다.View Detail
Fits: HONDA CBR1000RR 04-07 SC57 reimport [displacement]1000 [number of units required]4, HONDA CBR1000RR 04-08 SC57 Domestic model 04.4-08.7 [displacement]1000 [number of units required]4, HONDA CBR600RR 05-08 Reimport [displacement]600 [number of units required]4
Finding this exact NGK BPR7HS sparkplug with both reasonable shipping time and cost was challenging, but WeBike delivered on both fronts. That's one of the primary reasons I chose to purchase it here.As expected, the sparkplug is a genuine NGK unit. There's not much more to say about it—it's a sparkplug, and it does its job perfectly.View Detail
Fits: HONDA DIO 04-07 Smart Dio Z4 FI AF63 04.2-07 [Displacement]50 [Required Number]1, HONDA GYROX 08-21 TD02 08.3- [displacement]50 [number of units required]1, HONDA GYRO CANOPY50 08-20 TA03 08.3- [Displacement]50 [Required number of units]1
Fits: YAMAHA BOLT 14-21 VN04J [displacement]950 [number of units required]2, YAMAHA MAJESTY250 07- Injection specification SG20J 07.5- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA MAXAM 05- CP250 SG17J(-'07 ・SG21J('07-) 05.4- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY400 05-08 5RU9、 SH04J 05.3-08.3 [displacement]400 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY 04- 5VG1/5VG2 [displacement]250 [number of units required]1
Fitted to my 1700 miles Honda MSX (Jc92) and it starts easily on first press. Running feels smoother and a little more power. Old factory spark plug was fine when I removed it so it is not a case of worn old plug. This is indeed better. View Detail
?attachment The CBR650R is mounted at the same position angle as the NORMAL. However, when the handlebar was cut to the Left lock, it interfered with the interior cover next to the Meter, so the interior cover was cut away. I also purchased a 45° angled banjo adapter for the mesh hose to accommodate the tension of the mesh hose. ・NORMAL (Reserve integrated horizontal master) Impressions of No complaints on public roads. Familiar feel and very easy to handle. However, when the brake is set to "hard brake," the rate of increase in braking force relative to the input seems to decrease, and the brake becomes more forceful. Radipon (Reserve separate body portrait master) Impressions of It was totally different from what I expected, my expectation was that it would feel like a Rear brake… It is really a mild and easy-to-handle radipon. On public roads, it feels like NORMAL! I wonder if it's because NORMAL is the same NISSIN? But I felt the radipon effect from Breaking a little stronger, and It can be hung up to a hard brake without effort. I felt trust that this could stop.View Detail
I purchased this for use with multiple Helmets. 。 Mount included with the BOLD. Microphone and speaker are not included and must be purchased separately.View Detail