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YAMAHA MAJESTY250 07- Injection specification SG20J 07.5- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY400 05-08 5RU9、 SH04J 05.3-08.3 [displacement]400 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA MAXAM 05- CP250 SG17J(-'07 ・SG21J('07-) 05.4- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY 04- 5VG1/5VG2 [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRIZZLY700FI 08 [displacement]700 [number of units required]1
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Fitted to my 1700 miles Honda MSX (Jc92) and it starts easily on first press. Running feels smoother and a little more power. Old factory spark plug was fine when I removed it so it is not a case of worn old plug. This is indeed better.
Fits: YAMAHA MAJESTY250 07- Injection specification SG20J 07.5- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY400 05-08 5RU9、 SH04J 05.3-08.3 [displacement]400 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA MAXAM 05- CP250 SG17J(-'07 ・SG21J('07-) 05.4- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY 04- 5VG1/5VG2 [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRIZZLY700FI 08 [displacement]700 [number of units required]1
Quality and Texture InfoNgk's plug is of good qualityUse more than a typical spark plug to give you a sense of use Goods Plug Wrench to Buy WithEasy to install Cost performance and comparison with other products, iridium is expensiveWeBike packaging is always great. Arrives in a week for delivery and packagingCaution should be used when purchasing column values to match bike column values. Otherwise, you may not absorb or drain too much heat. Recommended for standard column valuesView Detail
Fits: YAMAHA MAJESTY250 07- Injection specification SG20J 07.5- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY400 05-08 5RU9、 SH04J 05.3-08.3 [displacement]400 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA MAXAM 05- CP250 SG17J(-'07 ・SG21J('07-) 05.4- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY 04- 5VG1/5VG2 [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRIZZLY700FI 08 [displacement]700 [number of units required]1
실질적으로 몸으로 체감되는 드라마틱한 변화는 없습니다. 하지만 플러그의 형상 자체가 순정의 제품과 비교할 때 유체역학적인 특징을 고려한 전극 모양이라든지 재질이라든지 부분들이 마음에 구매 및 장착 사용중인데요. 아무래도 oem보다는 좋지 않을까 판단합니다만 역시나 몸으로 체감되는 부분은 제가 둔감해서 그럴 수도 있지만 잘 모르겠습니다. 하지만 마음에 듭니다!View Detail
Fits: YAMAHA MAJESTY250 07- Injection specification SG20J 07.5- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY400 05-08 5RU9、 SH04J 05.3-08.3 [displacement]400 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA MAXAM 05- CP250 SG17J(-'07 ・SG21J('07-) 05.4- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY 04- 5VG1/5VG2 [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRIZZLY700FI 08 [displacement]700 [number of units required]1
It may be because it is replaced with a plug cable, but it feels soft.The dx version is more expensive than the basic plug, and I think there will be an advantage. View Detail
Fits: YAMAHA MAJESTY250 07- Injection specification SG20J 07.5- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY400 05-08 5RU9、 SH04J 05.3-08.3 [displacement]400 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA MAXAM 05- CP250 SG17J(-'07 ・SG21J('07-) 05.4- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY 04- 5VG1/5VG2 [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRIZZLY700FI 08 [displacement]700 [number of units required]1
Gixxer 150, replacement from OEM Champion. Immediately after the replacement, the engine starts powerfully from the moment the Cell Motor is turned. Naturally, acceleration also feels powerful. All of the Motorcycles we have ridden have been replaced with NGK Iridium plugs and have always performed satisfactorily. Again, I could feel a clear difference from the OEM, and I thought that NGK is indeed a stable company.View Detail
Fits: YAMAHA MAJESTY250 07- Injection specification SG20J 07.5- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY400 05-08 5RU9、 SH04J 05.3-08.3 [displacement]400 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA MAXAM 05- CP250 SG17J(-'07 ・SG21J('07-) 05.4- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY 04- 5VG1/5VG2 [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRIZZLY700FI 08 [displacement]700 [number of units required]1
I use it on my Gixxer 150SF. I sometimes go to Circuit with Gixxer, and it is hard to answer if there is a drastic change, but the maximum speed and high RPM extension has improved. I have a hard time with idling of Gixxer's injectors, but when I switched to this plug, idling is much more stable and I feel very good.View Detail
Fits: HONDA CBR600RR 05-08 Reimport [displacement]600 [number of units required]4, HONDA CBR1000RR 04-08 SC57 Domestic model 04.4-08.7 [displacement]1000 [number of units required]4, HONDA CBR1000RR 04-07 SC57 reimport [displacement]1000 [number of units required]4
Fits: SUZUKI MOLLET 94-07 FA14B 94.5-07 [displacement]50 [number of units required]1, SUZUKI STREET MAGIC II 98- CF12A 98.6- [displacement]110 [number of units required]1, SUZUKI STREET MAGIC 98- CF12A 98.6- [displacement]110 [number of units required]1, SUZUKI ADDRESS110 98-00 CF11A 98.4-00.3 [displacement]110 [number of units required]1, SUZUKI ADDRESS V100 91- CE11A [displacement]100 [number of units required]1
Finding this exact NGK BPR7HS sparkplug with both reasonable shipping time and cost was challenging, but WeBike delivered on both fronts. That's one of the primary reasons I chose to purchase it here.As expected, the sparkplug is a genuine NGK unit. There's not much more to say about it—it's a sparkplug, and it does its job perfectly.View Detail
Fits: HONDA GYROX 08-21 TD02 08.3- [displacement]50 [number of units required]1, HONDA GYRO CANOPY50 08-20 TA03 08.3- [Displacement]50 [Required number of units]1, HONDA DIO 04-07 Smart Dio Z4 FI AF63 04.2-07 [Displacement]50 [Required Number]1
Best fit for my CB 400SF. After using this spark plug, I feel the fuel consumption is increased. and smooth running. I didn't have an original part before like this and I think I wouldn't change these forminimum 5 years.View Detail
I was looking for a square or straight sided box and this is one of my shortlist although not really my first choice. But it is cheap and I made use of a free shipping offer so all is well. Goes on easy to the tiny rack of my Grom no problem. Fitting kit allows plenty of options for securing the base plate. OK it is a touch big for the tiny bike, but that is not the box's fault. What I especially like about this is how it looks just like a suitcase when removed, complete with handles that work. Something that cannot be said for some more "shaped" cases.The build/strength of the box is not that great though, rated at only 3kg, I am sure it can do a bit more. What is concerning about is the lock, it can be popped very easily with a screwdriver or a spanner. View Detail
I needed a rack to fit a top box on my Jc92 MSX. This fits perfectly and strongly. I had used it to swing the bike around no problem. All the holes line up correct, one is a little tight but still fits fine.View Detail