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YAMAHA TOWN MATET80 92- D/ED 3EJ3, 3EJ4, 3EJ5, 3EJ6 92.1- [displacement]80 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA mio 03- AL115 AL115 [displacement]110 [number of units required]1
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We are bringing my friend's SUPER CUB CUSTOM back to normal. We replace consumables, including the glow plug. We take only time-tested spare parts. In terms of quality, everything is on top, without complaints. The engine started working like a Swiss Watch.View Detail
Приобретал для HONDA SUPER CUB 50 CUSTOM.Артикул детали: C7HSA, производитель NGK.Можно такие свечи купить в России, но заказываю из Японии, так как считаю, что они лучше качеством. Заказываю уже не первый раз - сейчас купил про запас. Результатом доволен, после замены мопед стал резвее и приёмистый. Данную свечу рекомендуют использовать при полноценном теплом мотосезоне, что я успешно и делаю.Purchased for HONDA SUPER CUB 50 CUSTOM.Part Number: C7HSA, manufacturer NGK.You can buy such candles in Russia, but I order them from Japan, because I think they are better in quality. It's not the first time I've ordered it - I've bought it in reserve now. I am satisfied with the result, after the replacement the moped became faster and more agile. This candle is recommended to be used during a full-fledged warm motorcycle season, which I successfully do.Webike change the previous review to this one - I always upload a photo, but it didn't load in the previous review.View Detail
Приобретал для HONDA SUPER CUB 50 CUSTOM.Артикул детали: C7HSA, производитель NGK.Можно такие свечи купить в России, но заказываю из Японии, так как считаю, что они лучше качеством. Заказываю уже не первый раз - сейчас купил про запас. Результатом доволен, после замены мопед стал резвее и приёмистый. Данную свечу рекомендуют использовать при полноценном теплом мотосезоне, что я успешно и делаю.View Detail
Свеча с более холодным нагревом - холодная свеча. Рекомендую на теплое и жаркое время - лето. Все подошло без проблем. Японское качество очень хорошо.----------------------------------------------------------Candle with a colder heating - a cold candle. I recommend on a warm and hot time - summer. Everything came up without any problems. Japanese quality is very good.View Detail
Решил заказать свечу из Японии для сравнения. В целом результатом доволен, после замены мопед стал резвее и приемистей. Внешне аналогично продаваемому в России, но так спокойней, в том что не подделка. На будущее наверное буду заказывать теперь свечи из Японии.I decided to order a spark plug from Japan for comparison. In general, I am satisfied with the result, after the replacement the moped became sharper and more responsive. Externally it is similar to the one sold in Russia, but I feel more secure in the fact that it is not fake. For the future, I'll probably be ordering plugs from Japan now.View Detail
Fits: HONDA CBR600RR 05-08 Reimport [displacement]600 [number of units required]4, HONDA CBR1000RR 04-08 SC57 Domestic model 04.4-08.7 [displacement]1000 [number of units required]4, HONDA CBR1000RR 04-07 SC57 reimport [displacement]1000 [number of units required]4
Fits: SUZUKI MOLLET 94-07 FA14B 94.5-07 [displacement]50 [number of units required]1, SUZUKI STREET MAGIC II 98- CF12A 98.6- [displacement]110 [number of units required]1, SUZUKI STREET MAGIC 98- CF12A 98.6- [displacement]110 [number of units required]1, SUZUKI ADDRESS110 98-00 CF11A 98.4-00.3 [displacement]110 [number of units required]1, SUZUKI ADDRESS V100 91- CE11A [displacement]100 [number of units required]1
Finding this exact NGK BPR7HS sparkplug with both reasonable shipping time and cost was challenging, but WeBike delivered on both fronts. That's one of the primary reasons I chose to purchase it here.As expected, the sparkplug is a genuine NGK unit. There's not much more to say about it—it's a sparkplug, and it does its job perfectly.View Detail
Fits: HONDA GYROX 08-21 TD02 08.3- [displacement]50 [number of units required]1, HONDA GYRO CANOPY50 08-20 TA03 08.3- [Displacement]50 [Required number of units]1, HONDA DIO 04-07 Smart Dio Z4 FI AF63 04.2-07 [Displacement]50 [Required Number]1
Fits: YAMAHA MAJESTY250 07- Injection specification SG20J 07.5- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY400 05-08 5RU9、 SH04J 05.3-08.3 [displacement]400 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA MAXAM 05- CP250 SG17J(-'07 ・SG21J('07-) 05.4- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY 04- 5VG1/5VG2 [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRIZZLY700FI 08 [displacement]700 [number of units required]1
Fitted to my 1700 miles Honda MSX (Jc92) and it starts easily on first press. Running feels smoother and a little more power. Old factory spark plug was fine when I removed it so it is not a case of worn old plug. This is indeed better. View Detail
Best fit for my CB 400SF. After using this spark plug, I feel the fuel consumption is increased. and smooth running. I didn't have an original part before like this and I think I wouldn't change these forminimum 5 years.View Detail
The gasket is needed when replacing the clutch. I bought the original so that there would be no force majeure during installation. I installed it, everything went fine.View Detail
I bought these grips because of the color and shape. I've been wanting grips of this color for a long time - the color of the seat, though they're a little lighter, but they look good. Their shape is plump and it has become more convenient to hold the steering wheel than when using regular grips.View Detail
It's time to change the old clutch. I love this company, so I bought a new clutch from this company. The installation did not cause any problems. Everything is working fine. I recommend it to everyone.View Detail
A set of gaskets is always needed when using a motorcycle. I took it in reserve, I will use it as needed. Some have already established that the quality is excellent.View Detail
It's time to change the chain - I bought a chain from this company. They always work great, they last for a long time. For beauty, I also took a silver color. I recommend it to everyone. Take it and you won't regret it.View Detail