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Stated that the lever will fold if bike falls on ground, did not happen. My mechanics are dirtbikers / super motard experts, they explained that the Zeta levers I received do not have the folding mechanism and the screw connecting the long lever part is just to attach and cannot be folded once tightened. If screw loosen, the lever simply detaches ONLY. Likewise for the Brake lever.
The levers are solidly made. Amazing adjustability. It's like 35 clicks or something. Didn't even bother to count. Folds well. But there is one issue with it. The hole in the lever is very sharp and hurts my fingers. Very weird that thry made it that way. If it was more rounded it would have been much better. Overall it's good looking and works well.View Detail
High quality construction, great feel. Wide range of adjustability. No fades that I can see on the black anodised finish. Wish there was a shorter lever available though, as well as colour options for the adjustment dial. View Detail
그동안 중국산 레버를 사용했었는데 너무 질이 떨어지더라구요큰맘먹고 고민고민 끝에 지인들의 추천으로 제타레버 선택하였는데 정말 좋아요위바이크에서 구매한지 얼마되지는 않았지만 구매하는 것마다 정말 만족스럽네요일체감있게 유격없고 가볍고 튼튼해보이면서도 제 바이크가 한층더 멋있어진것 같네요자주 애용하겠습니다. View Detail
This was the second part of the after market brake and clutch lever replacement on the YZF-R1 2021. Even though this is a new road bike they wanted something with a little more bling and wanted something in more subtle black colour. They eventually decided on a new set of Zeta Flight levers. This lever set was not hard to find which fits this bike and it does fit a few other Yamaha models as well so is readily available. The lever is a pretty great price and although you could get a cheaper set of lower quality ones but then you would be wondering if it would fail at any point. This is excellent value for money. Shipping was good and fast, arrived in just under a week. The brake lever arrived in a lovely Zeta flat packaging and was well presented. The clutch lever is very well made and the machining is top quality. The action on both levers pivots are free and installing was very straight forward too. One happy customer. Just what I needed to keep with the styling of the bike. All fitted really well and the finish result was perfect. Thank you Webike, great service. View Detail
예전에 21년식 yzf r1 에도 이 클러치 레버를 사용했다 매우만족 스럽다 가격도 적당하고 품질이 견고하고 정밀하다이번에 zx10R 18년식에도 이 레버를 장착한다 역시나 품질엔 의심이 없고 작동도 매우 정확하다 나는 앞으로도 zeta 레버를 사용 할 것 같다 View Detail
They will fit. They fit in the factory perches as good as the factory levers, and do fit behind the factory handguards with plenty of clearance. They are a well made product. Best levers I've ever owned. Crashed multiple times in hard pack, and soft conditions. They haven't even deformed. Will purchase for every dirtbike I own moving forward.View Detail
My car is Suzuki. It's Hayabusa My fingers hurt because of frequent clutch manipulation because my hands were small After switching to zeta lever, these symptoms disappearedView Detail
Stated that the lever will fold if bike falls on ground, did not happen. My mechanics are dirtbikers / super motard experts, they explained that the Zeta levers I received do not have the folding mechanism and the screw connecting the long lever part is just to attach and cannot be folded once tightened. If screw loosen, the lever simply detaches ONLY. Likewise for the Brake lever.View Detail
It looks similar to training school but more low in profile. how effective it is in guarding the engine, I do not know and can only hope for the bestView Detail