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Decent looking part, but unfortunately the set I recieved has significant weld alignment issues. One side touches the fairings of my ADV, which over time will vibrate and wear away the paint. The footwell screw does not sit on anything and does not mount well (the screwhole on my bike got stripped because of this), and the left-side screw for the central mount is too long and will punch a hole through the plastic fairing on the inside of the bike. Be very careful.
Unfortunately when I received this product the welds were not well aligned. However, Motoskill and the Webike team granted me a refund, and so overall it wasn't too much trouble. The central screws were too long and did damage the bodywork of my bike, so be careful. Overall a good product, if not for the welds and various screw lengths. If you can get one with aligned welds, it will require a bit of further tinkering to attach well.View Detail
Unfortunately when I received this product the welds were not well aligned. However, Motoskill and the Webike team granted me a refund, and so overall it wasn't too much trouble. The central screws were too long and did damage the bodywork of my bike, so be careful. Overall a good product, if not for the welds and various screw lengths. If you can get one with aligned welds, it will require a bit of further tinkering to attach well.View Detail
我的爱车是2020款rebel500我一直想买一款发动机保护杠。这款MOTOSKILL护杠质量不错漆水很好与车的契合度高堪称完美不仅能起到保护防护的作用,还可以作为安装射灯的支架。外形美观增加了车的厚重感。----------------------------------------------My bike is a 2020 rebel 500 and I've always wanted to buy an engine protection bar. This MOTOSKILL bumper is of good quality with a good paint job and fits the car perfectly. It not only provides protection but also serves as a bracket for mounting spotlights. The shape is beautiful and adds a sense of heft to the bike.Powered by Google TranslatorView Detail
First of all, you have to be very creative with the RALLY50TrekExhaust System to get it on! I saw the picture of this product and knew that the rear fixing part would interfere with the exhaust system, but I thought, "Can't I put it on somehow? I bought it at the last minute. As a result, the Exhaust System side was forced to do a lot of work, but we managed to get it attached. The exhaust pipe is in contact with the heat insulating material. I'm sure it's unlikely, but if you combine them, you do so at your own risk…
I wanted to protect the Fog Lamp from tipping over and to fix it in place, so after much consideration, I decided on this product. The style is good, and the detachment of the cowl is not too much of an obstacle. It is firmly fixed and will help to protect Cowl, footpeg and Exhaust System!
Just Shift&Brake pedal (ZETA) on, but it has to be raised to almost the same height as the footpeg or it will interfere with the footpeg by stepping on it! Also, if the foot is placed too far forward, the toe will hit the pipe and the pedal will not be able to be stepped on, so be careful about the position of the foot.
As long as you take care of that. (I've never beaten it since I put it on.) I think the protection performance is adequate. The only regret is that it would have been nice if it came with a plastic Bumper like other companies! (to be purchased separately)View Detail
We purchased this product, which has an overhang at the bottom, to protect the Engine in the event of a fall, and we were prepared to do additional work. Before temporary assembly, the mounting holes of the Under Guard were 2mm gapped at the Rear when aligned at the Front, so we enlarged all four mounting holes of the Under Guard to allow for future removal. The product itself was also open, and when the Front was fixed to the car body, it needed to be pushed in with a lot of force to fix it to the lower part of the Engine. When welding, it was as if a bent Pipe was just welded without using a jig. Once installed, the front end is never removed, so we used brute force to get it in place. Even though they are the same Made in Thailand, they are considerably less accurate than H2C's products. We purchased the product knowing all this and are openly satisfied with the appearance of the product after installation.View Detail
Unfortunately when I received this product the welds were not well aligned. However, Motoskill and the Webike team granted me a refund, and so overall it wasn't too much trouble. The central screws were too long and did damage the bodywork of my bike, so be careful. Overall a good product, if not for the welds and various screw lengths. If you can get one with aligned welds, it will require a bit of further tinkering to attach well.View Detail
Overall a very nice system, and decently cheap if you need a replacement. It's got quite a deep grumble, and sounds louder on the bike than as a pedestrian. I'd say it's not quite obnoxious, but any louder and I don't think I would've liked it. Overall it looks subtle, a little flashy but not obtrusive. View Detail