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This was my first time purchasing and installing brake pads. The Red "AKA" Pad seems to be a good "moderate" choice. The price is average, and the quality seems high.The pads I replaced were the factory equipment, Tokico/Toyo pads. They were in use for over 40,000kms and the performance was lacking due to old age. In comparison, the stopping power of the Red Pad is better. While testing them, I was able to lift the rear wheel from the ground. The feeling is "linear," or a steady increase in force as the lever is squeezed. There is no sudden movement or unexpected jolts.Installation was simple, according to the official service manual. It is best to clean and maintain the caliper while replacing the pads. Also consider checking and bleeding the brake fluid at the same time.Shipping cost was reasonable, and the packing quality was high. Webike deliver well in this regard.Make sure to double-check the shape and number of pads your bike requires! For V-STROM 650 front brakes, I needed two seperate sets of pads. I recommend looking up a video of the replacement process beforehand.View Detail
가급적이면 이 패드 좌 우 따로있는거 명심하시고 구매하세요아님 저처럼 일 두번합니다 문제는 한짝을 두개 사는바람에 다른 한짝도 또 샀다는거일단 써봐야 알겠지만, 세심하게 잘 포장해서 빠르게 보내주시는 점 위바이크재팬에 감사드립니다Please keep this pad on the left and right side as much as possible.Or like me twice. The problem is that I bought another pair in the wind.I will try it out, but thank you Webike Japan for packing it carefully and sending it quickly.translated by googleView Detail
[How is it used? Fork oil had seeped into the pad, so I replaced it. Was the installation difficult? It's not that difficult to remove and replace the Caliper. How was your experience with it? Oil soaked Pad had less braking power than Drum brake and I didn't hear it at all, but it came to be able to stop properly after replacing it. [Was there anything that disappointed you? I didn't like some of the colors because I could see the Red Pad from the Reverse side of the Caliper, but now I like it because it seems to be a nice splash of color.View Detail
I replaced the Brake Pads for street use with ones for Touring. I installed it because I moved from the town to the mountains and it was time to replace it. In the mountains, there are few traffic lights and I don't stop and start as often as in town, but I like the way it feels when I'm cornering or decelerating on undulations. The color was also difficult to Red at first, but I like it by the color index. But why is it Red?View Detail
The durability is unknown because it's only 500km since the replacement, but I think it's as good as OEM. Also, I think it's because of the lack of bite, but the brake sound became large. I'm fairly satisfied.View Detail
About quality and texture: Good quality and abrasive.About the feeling of use: Excellent initial bite and little fade compared to OEM but at end pressure it does not lock. Products to buy together: Front/rear pads of the same timeDifficulty of installation: Simple, but had mechanic to install.Cost performance and comparison with other products: Better than OEM.About shipping and packaging: Well packaged and fast delivery by WeBike as usual.Any concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasing: NoneView Detail
About quality and texture: Well finished with bright paint and abrasive surface.About the feeling of use: Has very good initial bite and does not fade after heat or rain. Much better than OEM.Products to buy together: Front/Rear brake pads of the same type.Difficulty of installation: Simple, but had it replaced by a mechanic.Cost performance and comparison with other products: Better feel than OEM.About shipping and packaging: Well-packaged and fast shipping as always.Any concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasing: None.View Detail
About quality and textureAbout the feeling of useAbout DesignAbout Size ChartCost performance and comparison with other productsAbout shipping and packagingAny concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasingView Detail
마지막으로 샀던게 3~4년전인거 같은데꽤나 오래쓰는 패드 입니다 슬슬 교체할때가 되어 다시한번 선택하였습니다빨간색이긴하지만 라임그린 색에 위화감 크게 없으며 잘 써보도록 하겠습니다근래에 데이토나 사장님 인터뷰를 통해 본 제품에 좀 더 신용이 생겼습니다감사합니다.View Detail
About quality and textureAbout the feeling of useProducts to buy togetherDifficulty of installationCost performance and comparison with other productsAbout shipping and packagingAny concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasingView Detail
마지막으로 샀던게 3~4년전인거 같은데꽤나 오래쓰는 패드 입니다 슬슬 교체할때가 되어 다시한번 선택하였습니다빨간색이긴하지만 라임그린 색에 위화감 크게 없으며 잘 써보도록 하겠습니다근래에 데이토나 사장님 인터뷰를 통해 본 제품에 좀 더 신용이 생겼습니다감사합니다.View Detail
기존에도 올린즈를 사용하였으나 국내에서 구 모델은 오버홀이 불가하다 하여구매하였습니다, 페덱스라 관세를 피할순 없었으나 제품이 매우 맘에 들며, ZRX400의 경우 기본적으로 마후라를 탈거 후 장착해야하나잘만 하면 마후라 탈거를 하지않더라도 장착이 가능합니다 View Detail
워낙에 구형인차이기도 하고 다른 브랜드 제품은 신용하기 힘든 부분들이 있어 5년 째 덴소제품을 이용하고 있습니다 위바이크 자체가 reasonable한 금액으로 판매를 하기 때문에 다른 제품을 구매할 때 겸사겸사 구매하게 되는데 항상 만족하고 있습니다.View Detail
믿고 구매하는 위바이크에서 동와샤를 구매 했습니다, 빠른배송에 감사드리오며 다른분들은 저처럼 박스에서 동와샤 못찾아 못받았다는 연락을 하지 마시길 바랍니다, 의외로 작은 봉투에 있어서 자칫 박스와 함께 버릴뻔 했습니다만 뒤늦게 찾았어요 어쨋든 잘 쓰겠습니다 감사합니다.----------------------------------------------------------I bought Dongwasha at the Webike I believed and bought it, thank you for the fast delivery, and I don't want to contact others that I haven't found it in the box like me. I found it. Thank you for using it anyway.Powered by Google TranslatorView Detail