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체인과 스프로킷을 교체해야해서 처음에는 한국의 사이트에서 알아보던 중, 위바이크가 떠올라 찾아보기 시작해서 한국에서 구매하는 가격보다 몇만원은 아껴서 구매 할 수 있었어요 :) 저는 제주도에 거주중이라 배송이 보통 며칠은 더 걸리는데 예상 했던 시기보다 빠르게 배송되어 더욱 좋았습니다. 곧바로 교체하러 바이크 센터에 가려 했으나 하필이면 센터가 쉬는 날이라 아직 교체 하지는 못하였지만... 바이크의 메뉴얼에 표기 된 규격대로 구매 한 것이라 문제 없으리라 생각합니다. 사랑해요 위바이크!
Не ожидал, что будет такая мега-быстрая доставка через FEDEX (выбирал экспресс): заказ на 4 детали оформил 30.10.21, получил уже 11.11.21 (живу на Урале). Прикинул по родной звезде - посадочное место совпадает. В отличие от родной звезды, сам профиль этой звезды проще (он ровный, это сами видите по фото). Ставить буду весной вместе с ведомой звездой, цепью и масляным фильтром, которые заказал также на webike.com----------------------------------------------------------I did not expect that mega-fast delivery through FedEx (chose Express): An order for 4 details was issued 30.10.21, I received 11.11.21 (I live in the Urals). I figured the native star - the landing place coincides. Unlike the native star, the profile of this star is easier (he is even, they see it yourself). I will put spring together with a slave star, chain and an oil filter that also ordered on webike.comView Detail
Не ожидал, что будет такая мега-быстрая доставка через FEDEX (выбирал экспресс): заказ на 4 детали оформил 30.10.21, получил уже 11.11.21 (живу на Урале). Прикинул по родной звезде - посадочное место совпадает. В отличие от родной звезды, сам профиль этой звезды проще (он ровный, это сами видите по фото). Ставить буду весной вместе с ведомой звездой, цепью и масляным фильтром, которые заказал также на webike.com----------------------------------------------------------I did not expect that mega-fast delivery through FedEx (chose Express): An order for 4 details was issued 30.10.21, I received 11.11.21 (I live in the Urals). I figured the native star - the landing place coincides. Unlike the native star, the profile of this star is easier (he is even, they see it yourself). I will put spring together with a slave star, chain and an oil filter that also ordered on webike.comView Detail
Качество звезды - огонь! Ведь ее хватит на гораздо дольше, чем китайскую. В городе Барнаул объездил наверное 20 магазинов и никто не смог помочь заказать звезды и цепь на скутеретту Honda Super Cub 50(AA04). Прошерстил интернет, нашел этот сайт, потом почитал отзывы(а они были противоречивы и некоторые неутешительные). При заказе видно, сколько остаток - и где несколько штук всего в остатке не рассматривал. По отзывам - доставка до адресата в России - 2 месяца. До Барнаула доставка 50 дней. Отправили на следующий день после оплаты. трек отслеживался 2 дня до порта, потом месяц тишина. Потом из Владивостока поездом ехала в Москву 2 недели и неделю в Барнаул. Пока не ставил, взял про запас.----------------------------------------------------------The quality of the star is fire! After all, it will last much longer than the Chinese. In the city of Barnaul went through probably 20 stores and no one could help me order sprockets and chains on my Honda Super Cub 50 (AA04) scooter. I scoured the internet, found this site, then read the reviews (and they were contradictory and some disappointing). When ordering, you can see how much is left - and where a few pieces of everything in the remainder did not consider. According to reviews, delivery to the addressee in Russia - 2 months. To Barnaul delivery 50 days. Sent the next day after payment. Tracked for 2 days to the port, then a month of silence. Then from Vladivostok went by train to Moscow for 2 weeks and a week to Barnaul. I haven't put it in yet, I took it as a spare.Powered by www.DeepL.com/TranslatorView Detail
OEM compatible, OEM same etc. quality. Aluminum is certainly lighter and looks better, though. Steel is more durable. Considering this, the cosmetics market is dominated by this product.
good point OEM quality and performance.
High durability.
High cost performance.
●Front, so replacement is easy.
I don't think that OEM is the best choice for everything, but for parts that require durability, such as Sprocket and Chain, I think OEM or OEM-alike parts are better. Manufacturers use those parts for their durability.View Detail
Fits: HONDA CBR500R , KTM LC8 Super moto 11-15 [Number of genuine links]112, KTM 990 SUPER DUKE 04- [Number of genuine links]112, KTM 990 ADVENTURE R 08 [Number of genuine links]118, KTM 990 ADVENTURE 08 [Number of genuine links]118
체인과 스프로킷을 교체해야해서 처음에는 한국의 사이트에서 알아보던 중, 위바이크가 떠올라 찾아보기 시작해서한국에서 구매하는 가격보다 몇만원은 아껴서 구매 할 수 있었어요 :)저는 제주도에 거주중이라 배송이 보통 며칠은 더 걸리는데 예상 했던 시기보다 빠르게 배송되어 더욱 좋았습니다.곧바로 교체하러 바이크 센터에 가려 했으나 하필이면 센터가 쉬는 날이라 아직 교체 하지는 못하였지만...바이크의 메뉴얼에 표기 된 규격대로 구매 한 것이라 문제 없으리라 생각합니다.사랑해요 위바이크!View Detail