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순정 드레인볼트의 나사선이 뭉게져서 구매하였습니다. 보이지 않는 곳이지만 순정 드레인볼트보다 깨끗하고 내구성도 좋아보입니다. 오링도 현재 20,000km 주행했지만 아직 멀쩡합니다. 자석 때문에 고운 쇳가루도 잘 걸러주고 일자드라이버로 풀지 않더라도 닦아내기 쉽습니다.----------------------------------------------------------I purchased this because the thread of the original drain bolt was blunt.Although it is not visible, it looks cleaner and more durable than a genuine drain bolt.The O-ring has now traveled 20,000 km and is still in good condition.Because of the magnet, it filters out fine iron powder well and is easy to wipe off even without loosening it with a flat screwdriver.Powered by Google Translator
I bought it because I had accumulated Points. Since it is an invisible part, I don't think it would normally be necessary except for the magnetic effect. However, when the Under Cover is attached, the Drain bolt is just above the Pipe, so I thought it would be easier to replace the Oil if it were a little thinner. Without Point, I might not have dared to buy it because of its high price? (LOL)View Detail
I changed the oil on my CROSSCUB110, the drain bolt is more like a large cap than the drain bolt on the SUPER CUB, it has a magnet to keep the iron powder from sticking to it and the texture is good, but the price is high.View Detail
The magnet makes it possible to firmly catch fine iron powder It's a little difficult to put on, but it does a good job and gives me a sense of security This is my secret pleasure when I change the oilView Detail
Gute Magnet ablassschraube, lässt sich super verschrauben, passt sehr gut von der Maße, passt auf die Jc92, die extra madenschraube für einen ölthermometer Fühler geht auch wunderbar, kann ich jedem empfehlen.View Detail
눈에 보이는 부분은 아니지만 이 제품으로 인하여 바이크에 대한 내부의 쇳가루를 걸러 낼수 있는 점에 대해 정말 좋은 제품입니다. 마감도 디자인도 훌륭합니다. 신속한 배송에 감사드립니다. 이 제품을 다른 사람들에게도 추천합니다.目に見える部分ではありませんが、この製品によってバイクに対する内部の鉄粉をろ過できる点について本当に良い製品です。 仕上げもデザインも素晴らしいです。 迅速な配送に感謝いたします。 この製品を他の人にもお勧めします。View Detail
About quality and texture - The drain bolt with magnet from SP Takegawa is made from billet aluminium with precision machining and a red anodized surface finish while the quality from the overall fit and finish is perfect.About the feeling of use - The drain bolt with magnet is a well designed product that integrates into the factory engine case to add a useful feature that helps with engine longevity by removing unwanted metal from the oil.Products to buy together - A key product to buy together with the drain bolt with magnet is the SP Takegawa LED temperature guage that will allow for monitoring of the engine oil temperature to ad further longevity of the engine.Difficulty of installation - The installation of the drain bolt with magnet is a simple task that took 0.2 of an hour to complete. Some slight mechanical aptitude and the use of basic hand tools is all that is required to secure the drain bolt with magnet to the engine case.Cost performance and comparison with other products - I find the cost of all the products SP Takegawa sell to be on par when compared to what most other companies sell their products for but the drain bolt with magnet is priced higher this time round. The design of this drain bolt with magnet with it's sensor hole is what sets it apart from the others.About shipping and packaging - With there being no cost difference between sea freight and EMS for the oil filter cover, I chose EMS for a earlier arrival date. The part was extremely well protected while being covered in bubble wrap and surrounded with air pillows in a sturdy cardboard box.Any concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasing - For my location, purchasing specialty products like this from Webike Japan is the only option. There are a few local stores selling parts for the Grom but the range is very basic.View Detail
It's a really good product. Both the finish and the design are excellent. Thank you for your prompt delivery. I recommend this product to others, tooView Detail
부피가 작아서 휴대가 간편합니다.장거리 투어시 야외에 주차한 경우 아침에 이슬이 맺혀서 시트가 젖는 경우가 많습니다.특히 봄철엔 꽃가루까지 섞여서 지저분해지는데 이럴때 정말 유용하게 사용할 수 있습니다.마지막으로 재질이 얇은 편이기 때문에 다시 접어서 보관하는 것도 쉽습니다.View Detail
장거리 투어시 유용하게 사용하였습니다.스바르트필렌은 리어시트가 짧고 폭도 좁기 때문에 이 캐리어는 사용하면 40리터 정도의 방수백도 안정적으로 체결할 수 있습니다.디자인도 단순해서 미관상 크게 거슬리지도 않습니다.1세대 2세대 필렌 모두 사용 가능합니다. View Detail
I bought this product for the second time and am using it.I've tried other products with similar prices.I bought it again because the windproof performance and grip were better than other similar products.View Detail