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llego rapido y facil de instalar, al instalar el kit de embrague la maneta de freno venia en plata, ahora ambas ya estan del mismo color.lo recomiendo ambos kit.
혼다 슈퍼커브 c125 멧 그레이 색상에 맞는 브레이크 손잡이를 찿던도중 딱 어울리는 제품을 찾았습니다순정 손잡이와 모양은 같으며 손잡이 컬리티는 훌룡합니다 장착 난이도하이며 3분이면 잡착 가능합니다멧그레이색상에 아주 잘어울림니다 순정형을 찾는다면 적극 추천합니다..I was looking for a brake handle that matches the Honda Super Cub c125 matt gray color and I found the perfect product.It has the same shape as the genuine handle, and the handle quality is excellent.It goes very well with the matte gray color. I highly recommend it if you are looking for a genuine type.View Detail
혼다 슈퍼커브 c125 멧 그레이 색상에 맞는 브레이크 손잡이를 찿던도중 딱 어울리는 제품을 찾았습니다순정 손잡이와 모양은 같으며 손잡이 컬리티는 훌룡합니다 장착 난이도하이며 3분이면 잡착 가능합니다멧그레이색상에 아주 잘어울림니다 순정형을 찾는다면 적극 추천합니다..I was looking for a brake handle that matches the Honda Super Cub c125 matt gray color and I found the perfect product.It has the same shape as the genuine handle, and the handle quality is excellent.It goes very well with the matte gray color. I highly recommend it if you are looking for a genuine type.View Detail
[How is it used? I changed the Handlebar to Mini condor and it became difficult to use High throttle and NORMALLever together due to Clearance problem, so I decided to buy it.
Was the one you received as per Image? Material more beautiful than Image:It was Aluminum.
Was the installation difficult? Simply replace the Wiring and fix the Bolt.
How was your experience with it? It is a little painful that the Lever is square. The rest of the time, I can use it without any problems.
[Included Parts:were they on? Not particularly
[Was there anything that disappointed you? Not particularly
▼When I was in an accident, the shaft part of the lever broke off from the root of the shaft.View Detail
Used for Bar handle of CUB. The pulling force is the same or stronger than Regular's Lever. So braking is not a problem. The overall texture is not bad either.
There are just a few difficulties.
1. Bolt rusts easily 2. Wire's Thailandco twists and turns. 3. Lever's corners hurt my hands. 4. LeverSwitch (Brake switch) is chunky.
The Bolt rusts easily. It's not painting or plating, it's an oxidized film like Black skin iron. There is a Wire Thailand connector in front of the Lever's WireSlot, but This makes it structurally easy for the Thailandco to get twisted. I can pull it but it doesn't feel good. The other thing is that Lever is so angular that it hurts my hands. Can't they at least do something about the corners of Lever?
Well, there are negatives, but it's a pretty easy Lever to use and I like it and keep using it. I even exchanged it for a Regular Size Lever for a moment, but instead of a longer Lever I quickly switched back to Short lever because the pull was weak on theView Detail
This is a great product for the APE100, the OEM is too straight and hard to grip, but this is very comfortable and easy to grip. It is also easy to apply force. Also, it's polished and looks great for dress-up!View Detail
el repuesto vino rapido. no es que lo necesite cambiar ahora, pero es bueno tener un recambio.es muy facil de instalar. la calidad es muy buena. recomendado para la honda dax 125 para lo que han cambiado el sistema de embrague manual.View Detail
el repuesto vino rapido. no es que lo necesite cambiar ahora, pero es bueno tener un recambio.es muy facil de instalar. la calidad es muy buena. recomendado para la honda dax 125 para lo que han cambiado el sistema de embrague manual.View Detail
ha tardado bastante por culpa del despacho de aduanas. pero porfin ha llegado. mañana lo instalo. la calidad y la claridad para la instalacion es muy correcta. lo recomiendo.View Detail
estoy muy contento y muy facil de instalar. lo recomiendo. vino rapido. el embalaje ha sido muy bueno y bien protegido. la calidad del producto es muy bueno y muy fuerte.View Detail
material de muy buena calidad. lo recomiendo, muy facil de instalar y para mi uso personal es mas comodo este sistema de cambios. ya que estoy acostumbrado a mis otras motosView Detail