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This product is fairly easy to install by following the online instructions. Period.BUUUT for the USA JA 65 trails, it will read backwards because our bikes are geared opposite from the rest of the world. It will read neutral 4321 instead of neutral, 1234. In the end after some head scratching, I figured out that I needed to cut the wires going to the magnetic sensor harness That's already installed on the bike and splice the wires by doing trial and error until it read correctly. After that it works perfectly. It will not have an indicator to shift up and they do mention that in the instructions. The harness to the magnet on the trail is very short, so if you're going to cut and splice, I would recommend you get some heat, shrink, connectors, or consider getting an aftermarket sensor that has longer wire. Luckily, I had one of these lying around.
기존 rpm과 속도를 측정하여 간접적으로 기어단수를 표출하는 학습형 모듈을 커브류에 장착할시 기어변속시 클러치가 떨어지거나 정지했을때 기어표시에 오류가 생기는 (또는 표시하지 않는) 부분을 직접 인히비터 스위치 센서에 물려서 기어를 즉각적으로 빠르게 보여주어 굉장히 편했습니다. 자세한 하네스 와이어링 가이드가 없어서 조금은 불친절하지만 알아서 잘 설치했습니다.View Detail
Comapre with other indicatores this is the best one with good built qulity.Very eazy to fix with plug and paly as a manual said.Rear wheel taco Signal will get with protec provided extarnal magnet sensor which is located in rear wheel brake drum(you have to run signal cabale from front to rear ).Those 4 magnet will fix fermaly without falling down.CDI taco signal will get from speedo meter wire loom using with Y connector which is supply by protec.Even mai unit inut 12v power suplly Y cable also provided(then eazy to connect)Accuracy with running condition it's really good & it will show up real current gear position while on road.even we can programe up to our rpm ratio.Main indicator bulit with sensor while you are in bright sunlight area brighness of indicator will bright up automatically.Additanally we will get 2nos of protec sticker along with this.I will recomended those who love Bike enthusiast View Detail
About quality and textureAbout the feeling of useProducts to buy togetherDifficulty of installationCost performance and comparison with other productsAbout shipping and packagingAny concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasingAbout quality and textureAbout the feeling of useAbout DesignAbout Size ChartCost performance and comparison with other productsAbout shipping and packagingAny concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasingView Detail
기어포지션이 없는 몽키23년식이걸로 장착하는데 무리없습니다기어 입력할 필요없이 장착가능About quality and textureAbout the feeling of useAbout DesignAbout Size ChartCost performance and comparison with other productsAbout shipping and packagingAny concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasingView Detail