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when joining chain, its recommended to use the same brand to have no weak points in your chain.i have tried one time using a ordinary joiner with different brand. sadly its the weakest point and thus break.Now i learned my lesson to only use trusted brand like RK for joining an RK chain.
Purchased to change from CrimpType Chain to Clip type for Honda ELSINORE 125. It is very convenient because it is a clip type and you can remove the chain immediately.View Detail
SP TAKEGAWA S STAGE BOREUP 115cc 과 SP TAKEGAWA KEIHIN PE24 Carburettor 랑 호환이 잘맞을것 같아서 구매했습니다 하지만 MJ 셋팅없이 엔진 구동이 잘작동 할것 같았지만 MJ를 셋팅이 조금 틀려 MJ를 구매하였습니다 SIDECOVER에 간섭없이 잘 설치 되었습니다----------------------------------------------------------SP TAKEGAWA S STAGE BOREUP 115CC and SP TAKEGAWA KEIHIN PE24 Carburetter seemed to be well compatible, but I bought the engine without MJ set, but I bought MJ because the set of MJ was a little wrong.Powered by Google TranslatorView Detail
It was used to pack the Piece count of RKChain's WG520TRUChain. It's just a Joint, so there's nothing to do with this product alone, but make sure you choose the right Joint for your Chain.View Detail
I bought these because I had to adjust the length of the Chain due to changes in the Swing Arm. I always feel more comfortable with the Crimp style than the Clip style, so I always use the Crimp style.View Detail
I used it for BALIUS type 1. I have no Garage or roof, so I park with Cover over it, but the salt damage was so bad that I was having trouble with normal Chain because it would rust within a month of cleaning it. But this time I bought the one that is Plating Process, which is a bit expensive. Put it on Big Li! I haven't seen any rust in the last few months as far as Chain is concerned. I don't know how well it runs, but its durability is fantastic!View Detail
using this scorption serket taper will make your bike sound so bassy and full bass frequency. The high pitch sound metal sound is gone and replaced with thundering bass sound which is awesome to the ears. Also the beauty of scorption serket taper just makes your bike looks cooler!definitely sound and beaty in 1.View Detail
i used a 415 chain before but after years of usage, the pin got so bad because lubrication cannot penetrate due to lots of dust and dirt inside the ring pin. But this RK 415 chain is the best chain due to its sealed ring thus no dust will get inside the pin which will make the usage longer and better!View Detail
Moriwaki Soundtest videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nedNFHjmNowhen i purchase this i though my motorcycycles power will just be the same. But i was amazed to the increase in power and most especially the top speed performance! Also the sound is bassy whiich so good too hear for 50cc engine. Highly recommended!!! View Detail