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Cl500 단점인지 장점인지는 모르겠지만 키박스가 옆에있다 승차시에는 전혀 보이질않는다 그리고 주차했을때도 잘보이지않는다 그래서 키박스를 찾아야한다 아직도 적응이 안됨 그래서 눈에 잘보이고 드레스업도 할수있는 키타고 레드색깔로 선택 완전 빨강은 아님 눈에 잘보임 양면테이프접착 방식인데 일제라 믿고 추천합니다
It's a really good product. Both the finish and the design are excellent. Thank you for your prompt delivery. I recommend this product to others, too.View Detail
About quality and texture, I can confirm that the quality is great and that the material used is aluminum that is CNC machined to shape and finished with a shiny chrome finish.About the feeling of use, Products like this adds a touch of class to parts that Honda have overlooked on the Grom, love having the chrome key box cover to match the style of the SP Takegawa bar ends I have.Products to buy together, Other highly detailed parts from Kitaco to help improve the look of Grom like the starter motor cover would be ideal to add to your cart.Difficulty of installation, I can say the fitment of the key box cover for my installation was very easy due to the ease of access and simple nature of securing the cover by hand with the included double sided tape.Cost performance and comparison with other products, The pricing of the product is great. You receive a high quality part that adds some class with it's wonderfully shiny chrome finish. There is a cheaper option available from another brand and more expensive but different style available from Kitaco.About shipping and packaging, My order was shipped within 24 hours of the product being in stock and I received a few emails advising me of the status up until the order was dispatched. The order arrived within the estimated date range and was extremely well packaged. I found the link supplied to track my order very useful while I was waiting for the order to land in the country.Any concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasing, I have no concerns or cautions when purchasing from Webike. I cannot recommend Webike enough for the majority of your biking needs. They not only sell aftermarket parts and bike gear but also OEM parts for your repairs and servicing needs.View Detail
새로운 바이크에 꾸미기를 하기 위해 구입하였습니다. 소소하면서 알찬 물품 판매해 주셔서 감사합니다.품질이 훌륭하고 사용된 재료가 CNC 가공되어 파란색 양극 산화 마감 처리된 알루미늄임을 확인할 수 있습니다. 색상, 디자인, 기능이 괜찮습니다. 알기 쉽고 설치하기 쉽기 때문에 마음에 듭니다.View Detail
It is a three-dimensional design and pretty that can match the color of the motorcycle. The advantage is that it can cover the pure plain black key box.View Detail
스티커로 붙이고 폼이 너무나는 제품한번 사용해 보셔요About quality and textureAbout the feeling of useProducts to buy togetherDifficulty of installationCost performance and comparison with other productsAbout shipping and packagingAny concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasingView Detail
알리에서 평이좋은 5리터짜리 사용했는데 용량이 더 크면 좋을것 같아 튼튼하고 믿음이가는 일제로 구입하기로했다 가성비 좋은걸로 선택 바깥쪽 재질은 튼튼한 직물 내피는방수재질로 돼었다 캐리어 닫는쪽은 하드한 재질로 되어있는데 가방길이만큼 되었고 폭은 한 10cm 정도로 조금더 폭이 넒었으면 아쉽다 전체적인 모양은 약간 피라미드형 잘쓸것같다 방수커버도 항상 가지고 다닐수있다 추천합니다 View Detail
연료탱크위를 흠집으로부터 보호해주는 기능 인거같다 쿠션감이 있다 잘 붙여야 할거같다 잘못붙이면 폭망 우선 연료 탱크입구 주변을 알콜로 깨끗하게 닦아주고 말린다 그리고 3등분 되어있는 스티커를 하나씩 떼어네어 센터자라에 맞게 붙여준다 여기서 주의 신중하게 붙이길 바란다멋있다 흡집예방도되고 추천합니다 View Detail