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Fit perfectly. Easy to install. High quality. Blue anodized colour is incredible. 3 finger lever is much more practical than the original one. I Bought a lot of zeta products, always amazing. You can see also the brake reservoir cover ont the pics. Fast shipping to France and great professionalism from webike. Thanks a lot.View Detail
Even though this is an on/off road bike the customer wanted something with a little more different and wanted something in to match the KTM orange colour for the lever set. They eventually decided on a new set of Zeta Pivot gold levers. This lever set was not hard to find and it does fit a few other off road KTM models as well so is readily available. The levers are pretty good in price although you could get a cheaper set of lower quality ones but then you would be wondering if it would fail at any point. As this set included both the clutch and brake levers, this is excellent value for money. Shipping was good and fast, arrived in just under a week. The brake and clutch levers arrived in a lovely Zeta flat packaging and was well presented. The levers are very well made and the machining is top quality. The action on both levers are free and installing was very straight forward too. This bike has had a lot of after market parts fitted and these gold/orange colour really fits in well with those other parts. One happy customer. Just what I needed to keep with the styling of the bike. All fitted really well and the finish result was perfect. Lets hope they can withhold the brutality of the off road season. Thank you Webike, great service. View Detail
This was the second part of the after market brake and clutch lever replacement on the YZ125. Even though this is an off road bike they wanted something with a little more bling and wanted something in green colour. They eventually decided on a new set of Zeta Pivot green levers. This lever set was not hard to find and it does fit a few other off road Yamaha models as well so is readily available. The levers are pretty good in price although you could get a cheaper set of lower quality ones but then you would be wondering if it would fail at any point. As this set included both the clutch and brake levers, this is excellent value for money. Shipping was good and fast, arrived in just under a week. The brake and clutch levers arrived in a lovely Zeta flat packaging and was well presented. The levers are very well made and the machining is top quality. The action on both levers are free and installing was very straight forward too. This bike has had a lot of after market parts fitted and the green colour really fits in well with those other parts. One happy customer. Just what I needed to keep with the styling of the bike. All fitted really well and the finish result was perfect. Lets hope they can withhold the brutality of the off road season.Thank you Webike, great service. View Detail
몽키125에 장착했습니다. 클러치 위치 조정이 다소 필요하지만 퀄리티는 두말할거 없이 좋습니다.레버 길이도 짧아져서 작은손에 잘맞고 조작성도 향상됩니다.디자인도 너무 멋지고 다른 조절식 레버보다 더 세밀한 조정이 가능해서 가격대비 최고의 제품이 아닌가 싶네요View Detail
제 바이크 z900 rs se 가방을 고정하기 위한 구매 였습니다. 품절이 계속 되어서 계속 기달리다가 구매 하였고 장착은 쉽고 간편했습니다.그런데 도장 부분은 좌우측 재 도색 했는지 덧칠한 부분이 2군데 있습니다. 반품도 어렵고 해서 그냥 쓰기로 결정 합니다.View Detail