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HONDA CT125 (JA55-1000001 and later), HONDA CROSS CUB50 (AA06-1000001 or later), HONDA SUPER CUB 50 (AA09-1000001 and later), HONDA SUPER CUB110 (JA44-1000001 or later/JA59-1000001 or later), HONDA SUPER CUB 50PRO (AA07-1000001 and later)
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같이 타는 친구 선물로 주고 오늘에야 장착 하였습니다. 색강도 딱 좋고 가죽인지 레자인지 퀄리티도 상당히 좋네요! 저도 하다 구매해야 하나 생각이 드네요. 설치도 생각 보다 간단하고, 착자감도 좋아요!About quality and textureAbout the feeling of useProducts to buy togetherDifficulty of installationCost performance and comparison with other productsAbout shipping and packagingAny concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasing
Fits: HONDA CT125 (JA55-1000001 and later), HONDA CROSS CUB50 (AA06-1000001 or later), HONDA SUPER CUB 50 (AA09-1000001 and later), HONDA SUPER CUB110 (JA44-1000001 or later/JA59-1000001 or later), HONDA SUPER CUB 50PRO (AA07-1000001 and later)
It's riding a monkey yellow color.The seating area was gray checked, so the overall feeling was not good. So I looked into replacing the all-black genuine sheet and found that the price was too expensive.Meanwhile, I got to know Takegawa seat cover. It's inexpensiveThe design of the diamond stitch pattern was neat and the finish was good. One thing that's unfortunate is that there are some wrinkles or spaces after the overall fitting, but it's pretty and forgiving.View Detail
한국은 날씨가 추워서 구매 후 보관하고 날씨가 조금 풀려서 장착해 보았습니다. 역시 스크린이 작아서 풍절을 잡아주는데는 큰 효과는 없지만 드레스업에는 최고 네요. ^^설치도 간단해서 혼자 하기도 쉽고 작업시간도 빨라요. 하지만 스크린 고무 패킹이 여러개여서 작은 설명이 있으면 좋을것 같습니다. View Detail
지타 핸들바 정말 좋아요. 설치가 쉽다면 쉽고, 정밀하게 하다보면 조금 미세조정이 필요합니다.^^ 그래도 튼튼하고 좋아요~~About quality and textureAbout the feeling of useProducts to buy togetherDifficulty of installationCost performance and comparison with other productsAbout shipping and packagingAny concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasingView Detail
키링과 함께 포인트를 주기위해 구입하였습니다. 귀엽고 깜찍 합니다. 가격도 적당하고~~ 동료 친구에게 선물하려 두개 주문하였습니다. 상당히 좋아 하더라고요. 기존 기링과도 조합이 상당히 잘 어울립니다. 두번째 구매인데, 배송 및 제품 퀄리티 상당히 만족합니다. 세번째 아이템 생각중입니다.^^ View Detail
배송도 해외 배송인데 생각보다 빠르게 되었고, 마감도 깔끔합니다. 가격도 국내 가격에 비해 저렴한 편입니다. 작은 쿨러백을 달려고 구매하였는데 쿨러백과 잘 매치 됩니다. 위바이크 제품을 종종 구매 하려고 합니다. About quality and textureAbout the feeling of useAbout DesignAbout Size ChartCost performance and comparison with other productsAbout shipping and packagingAny concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasingAbout quality and textureAbout the feeling of useProducts to buy togetherDifficulty of installationCost performance and comparison with other productsAbout shipping and packagingAny concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasingAbout quality and textureAbout the feeling of useProducts to buy togetherDifficulty of installationCost performance and comparison with other productsAbout shipping and packagingAny concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasingAbout quality and textureAbout the feeling of useProducts to buy togetherDifficulty of installationCost performance and comparison with other productsAbout shipping and packagingAny concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasingView Detail