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Size of key holder is small.it can be eazy ro kepet in pocket.The leather part is black which i orded , YOSIMUSRA logo emboss & stamp on itThe leater strip fold and stick with glue which is not harder and eazyly came out.(i put personaly leather glue & it will perfecty solid after )This is a good Key Holder for YOSHIMURA lovers.View Detail
I ecpected this to be just another keyring. It is but with Yoshimura quality even down to the packaging its A*. Now I've got rid of the dealer keyring and replaced with this elite keyring. Made from premium materials. Embossed on both sides as well. The actual ring is very rigid and needed quite some effort to mount it to the bike keyView Detail
사진보다 키링 색상이 더 진하고 가죽 질감과 타공 글자가 멋스럽고마감또한 고급스럽습니다 감성 마력이 업 되네요 검정색도 있었는데 고민하다 갈색 하나만 구입한게 아쉽네요 다음번에 주문시 기회되면 검정색상으로 하나 더 구매하고 싶네요스즈키 하면 역시 요시무라 입니다View Detail
Takegawa brand gas always been my brand of my choice, with a medium box and with the clamp, really useful when needed. You'll fit anything in it. View Detail
Really great for changing from standard ones to this, with heavy duty design, and less mantainance, don't have to worry about the clutch for a long time. View Detail
To seperate the throttle and the switch is great because it looks more race like, and the mantaince is better, no need to change the whole set on my Honda Monkey 125.View Detail
This system could mods your bike differently, much torc, more responsive and your bike sounds better. The crank sound really great for my Honda Monkey 125.View Detail