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우선 예상일정보다 빨리 배송되었고, 배송비도 저렴해서 강력추천합니다. 포장도 튼튼해서 파손없이 잘도착했네요.홈페이지에 명기된 차종에 맞게 조립에 문제 없었습니다좋은물건 좋은가격에 구매하게 되어서 기뻐요재구매 또는 지인에게 추천하고있습니다
Fits: YAMAHA T Max Iron Max 12-16 SJ09, YAMAHA T Max 530 17-19 SJ14, YAMAHA T Max 530 DX 17-19 SJ14, YAMAHA T Max 530 SX 17-19 SJ14, YAMAHA FZ8 ABS 10-15 RN25
About quality and texture - Felt good look premiumAbout the feeling of use - Feels good. Working wellProducts to buy together - Left leverDifficulty of installation - Simple. Minimal tools neededCost performance and comparison with other products - Priced reasonably. Good value.About shipping and packaging - Item received in good condition due to quality packaging. Any concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasingView Detail
It doesnt fit honda cb650r 2021. The part of the lever that contact the master cylinder is slightly longer, causing it to engage the brake. The front brake dragged the front wheel, and almost locked when hot.Ive tried bleeding the brake system but the problem is still the lever. So i decided to file and sand down the part of the lever that causes the problem. Its usable now. I really like the lever, and returning the item is really time consuming for everyone.View Detail
The stuff is good, but the price is high.
Quantity at the price of one Lever (BrakeorClutch):The price is so low that some of them can be purchased 1 Set.
The rotation of the adjustable part is a bit stiff, so it is not practical with bare hands, and requires early enthusiasm.View Detail
It is indeed a highly reliable manufacturer's product.
While there are few Other Brand Products for 400x 56N, there was no problem about the installation compatibility by car model.
I'm very happy with the way things turned out.
It's pricey, but it's worth it.View Detail
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