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2010년식 GSX-1250FA 순정 마스터 실린더 대용으로 설치하였습니다. 피팅은 완벽하게 잘맞고, 브레이크 조작감도 순정과 동일합니다.다만, 브레이크액 리저브 탱크를 핸들에 고정시키는 볼트는 동봉되지 않아서 따로 구매해야 합니다. 나사산의 피치가 맞는 것을 찾는데 여러번의 시행착오를 겪었습니다. 제품은 매우 만족합니다.
Had problems with bleeding the old brake system on my Daytona 955i. The bike uses same master cylinder from factory, so swaping over was fast and easy. Top job from Webike with best price online and delivery took just around one week.View Detail
I'm very happy with the product. It's not easy to find other aftermarket replacement for my ZXR250 and this one is pretty much like the original. Only difference is the oil reservoir, being shaped higher than the original which is flat and wider. Installation is very straightforward, change the old brake pump with the new and bleed, which is quick with the better pump. Braking performance is just beautiful. It felt solid and firm when pulling the lever, alot of difference with the old one, being flimsy and need to pulled hard to even brake. Overall, recommended for other ZXR250 owners. Price is reasonable and quality is to be expected from NISSIN themselves. Perfect. View Detail
I rebuild my bike up. There were a lot of Brake Master Cylinder on the market but I was hesitant because I was dubious from their manufacturer. I found this online for my Honda Bros NT400J 1988. I'm happy with it and it looks the part for a classic bike.About quality and textureAbout the feeling of use goodProducts to buy together brought together with brake padsDifficulty of installation had the pros do itCost performance and comparison with other products worth the priceAbout shipping and packaging goodAny concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasing none.View Detail
Had problems with bleeding the old brake system on my Daytona 955i. The bike uses same master cylinder from factory, so swaping over was fast and easy. Top job from Webike with best price online and delivery took just around one week.View Detail
I was somewhat dissatisfied on the front brake-feel and performance of my 2024 Honda Transalp. I got quite comfortable with the bike on a 2900 mile road trip (besides my tailbone) & the front brake was unsatisfactory... So after dropping the TA & breaking my lever in Amarillo when backing up to a curb... I figured instead of replacing it, I'd go radial! The results? OH MAN do I enjoy that front lever now! 10/10 would recommend to all TA buddies worldwide. I'm sure sintered pads would do even better here as well, but I'll cross that bridge once I run through these stock pads!View Detail
I'm very happy with the product. It's not easy to find other aftermarket replacement for my ZXR250 and this one is pretty much like the original. Only difference is the oil reservoir, being shaped higher than the original which is flat and wider. Installation is very straightforward, change the old brake pump with the new and bleed, which is quick with the better pump. Braking performance is just beautiful. It felt solid and firm when pulling the lever, alot of difference with the old one, being flimsy and need to pulled hard to even brake. Overall, recommended for other ZXR250 owners. Price is reasonable and quality is to be expected from NISSIN themselves. Perfect. View Detail
When you are refurbishing an older motorcycle such as my 1983 Honda V45 Interceptor one of the best things you can do is replace the master cylinder with a new top quality unit such as this one. The remote reservoir gives an updated modern appearance and you can count on Nissin brake parts for quality. Don't risk your safety with brake parts of unknown quality when genuine Nissin parts are available for such a reasonable price.View Detail
포장 상태는 매우 훌륭하게 도착하였습니다.VTR250은 09년부터 인젝션으로 변경되었습니다. 그래서 캬브레이터 모델은 현재 배기 파이프를 바꿀 때 선택지가 적습니다.인젝션과 캬브레이터 모델은 리어 파이프의 구경이 달라서 장착이 어렵지만 이 제품을 이용하면 캬브레이터 VTR250 오토바이에 인젝션용 배기라인의 설치가 가능해집니다. 산소 센서 구멍은 M18/1.5피치 볼트로 막을 수 있습니다. 야마모토 제품의 퀄리티는 매우 높습니다. 추천합니다.View Detail
위바이크의 포장 상태는 매우 훌륭합니다. 스즈키 인트루더 1400에 설치하였습니다. 순정품의 미러는 단종이라서 구할 수 없어서 비슷한 분위기의 미러를 찾았습니다. 인트루더의 스타일에 매우 잘어울립니다. 그리고 미러가 와이드 뷰라서 후방 시인성이 매우 좋습니다. 사각지대가 훨씬 줄어들어서 매우 만족합니다.View Detail