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배송도 오래 걸리지 않고 빠르게 받아서 너무 좋습니다!다른 업체에 비해 조금 저렴했습니다. 아마도 비싸더라라도 디자인이 맘에 들어서 구매했을거 같습니다.설치는 다들 아시다시피 어려움은 없습니다만 휀다의 조금 변형이 있을경우 따로 가공이 필요할거 같습니다.저는 작업전 얹어서 사진만 찍어뒀습니다.참고 부탁드려요!!물건은 맘에 들어서 추천드립니다!
Shipping was really fast,highly recommended. It took 4 to 5 days.The seat is very comfortable and same goes for the pillion. Would love to order more parts for my 2010 Harley Davidson XL883N,thank you!View Detail
Quick ish delivery, very good seat made well and fits perfect makes my bike look even better .Came well package and sealed with instruction, I will be ordering foe more in the future View Detail
Looks great, easy to put on, but left a 15mm gap where it didn't touch the rear frame hoop. I took off the 4 rubber bumpers and removed the spacer that came with the seat (to go under the lock posts?) I also took off the lock mechanism on the frame to remove the 2 slim washers underneath. This brought the gap at the rear down to 7mm - much better! Overall, a slim, tuck and roll seat for little money. Very pleased.View Detail
Shipping was really fast,highly recommended. It took 4 to 5 days.The seat is very comfortable and same goes for the pillion. Would love to order more parts for my 2010 Harley Davidson XL883N,thank you!View Detail
I'm very happy with the quality of this seat! It was a perfect fit on my 1997 Honda Steed vlx 600. I would definitely recommend this seat to anyone!View Detail
정말 오래 찾던 제품입니다! 쵸퍼도 아닌 올드스쿨도 아닌 저는 클래식으로 바이크를 꾸미고 싶었기 때문에 정말 마음에 드는 제품이 아닐수 없었습니다.작업은 설명에 나온대로 그대로 연결 하면 작업 은 쉬웠습니다.금액도 제 생각에는 비싸지도 그렇다고 저렴하지도 않았습니다.그냥 투자해볼만한 제품이었다고 생각 합니다.마음에 들어요!!!View Detail
배송이 너무 빨라서 맘에들었습니다.첫 해외직구였는데 배송도 빠르고 포장도 너무 잘되어서 좋았습니다.헬멧도 가벼우며 가볍게 쓰기 너무 좋습니다.클래식한 바이크 타시는 분들은 추천드립니다.가성비 면에서는 조금 비싼감은 있지만클래식에 완벽을 추구 하는거면 추천합니다! 항상 풀페이스만 써가지구 맘에드네요!추천드립니다!View Detail
Fits: HARLEY-DAVIDSON DYNAFamily Most Harleys that use 1" bars., HARLEY-DAVIDSON SOFTAILFamily Most Harleys that use 1" bars., HARLEY-DAVIDSON V-RODFamily Most Harleys that use 1" bars., HARLEY-DAVIDSON SPORTSTERFamily Most Harleys that use 1" bars., HARLEY-DAVIDSON TOURINGFamily Most Harleys that use 1" bars.