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To be honest, the Z's front fender is too busy looking svelt to actually do a good job of protecting the exhaust or radiator. Originally I added this part with a mind to make it easier to dislodge road grit (thanks to the denser mesh in the center), but it does a good job of catching bugs on the corners of the hexagonal pattern elsewhere as well. The true color is a little closer to Yoshimura's gunmetal than to true black, but at any distance over a meter or so it blends in well. At certain angles the logo peeks out, and in others it stays hidden - a nice bit of subtlety on a bike whcih benefits from subtle touches.
Yoshimura Radiator Core Protector is a Great Choice and a complete match with the Engine Yoshimura Pro slider protection covers also, It is Easy to fit in under an hour, stylish, and an excellent piece of engineering, Delivered across the world in 3 days. Thanks AgainView Detail
Arrived quickly and in good order, top quality packaging. Fitted in about 5 minutes, dead easy even with instructions in japanese! Just look at the pictures. Superb quality as you would expect from Yoshimura. Improves the look of the bike loads. Picture isn't great as i just washed the bike and there was a bit of water in some of the holes, sorry!View Detail
제품의 퀄리티가 멋집니다. 색상을 검정으로 고려하였으나 기본인 은장도 눈에 뛰게 멋진 색입니다.설치시에 동봉되어 있는 보호 고무부품의 퀄리티가 섬세하게 좋습니다.설치시에 기존의 라디에이터 냉각핀에 손상이 안가게 조심히 조립하여주세요. 조립은 용이 합니다.View Detail
I think the silver color looks better than the black color.The reason is that black is hard to see in a shady place. I think the silver color would be better.View Detail
My motorcycle is Kawasaki z900. The water tank of this car is easily damaged by the sand splashed by the front wheel, so I bought this YOSHIMURA water tank shield on webike. It is made of CNC aluminum alloy, and the anode surface is fine. Good heat dissipation effect, reasonable design, more fashionable. It is easy to install and can be operated by yourself. The attached buffer rubber will not cause abnormal noise. I like the work of Jicun very much and am very satisfied!View Detail
Excellent fit and quality!Install was really easy and instructions were clear.Packaging from yoshimura was excellent and webike packed the parcel superbly.View Detail
역시 요시무라와 스즈키는 찰떡궁합이다.예전부터 가지고 싶었는데 이제서야 구매하게 되어 너무나도 기쁘다.마감 자체가 아주 고급 스럽고 정교하다. 가격은 꽤 비싸지만 바이크를 한층 더 멋스럽게 만들어 주는 아이템이라고 생각한다.구매를 고려하는 사람들에게 나는 추천한다.View Detail
Yoshimura Radiator Core Protector is a Great Choice and a complete match with the Engine Yoshimura Pro slider protection covers also, It is Easy to fit in under an hour, stylish, and an excellent piece of engineering, Delivered across the world in 3 days. Thanks AgainView Detail
Arrived quickly and in good order, top quality packaging. Fitted in about 5 minutes, dead easy even with instructions in japanese! Just look at the pictures. Superb quality as you would expect from Yoshimura. Improves the look of the bike loads. Picture isn't great as i just washed the bike and there was a bit of water in some of the holes, sorry!View Detail
I don't carry a pillion as often as I used to, so regretably I don't have firsthand testimony as to their comfort. They certainly offer more robust footing than stock, and are little bit wider, which I presume translates into surer footing / less interference with the pilot's heels. Visually they are chunkier, more mechanical than stock, but the color blends in well with the frame and they make a perfect matched set with the thing I was really interested in: the rearsets.View Detail
Everyone recognizes the "peanut" shape of classic gas tanks: it's one of those objects, like the golden rectangle, which is inherently pleasing to the human eye. I figure a responsible parent should begin cultivating good taste early, and so when dad got a new windscreen, son got a cool thing for 2nd grade show-and-tell.View Detail
Windscreens are a tricky thing to review, because the fitment is contingent on the geometry of the bars, seat, pegs, rider, etc.. Nevertheless, as a 187cm rider I installed this part hoping to add a few centimeters to the "wind bubble" coming off the OEM windscreen, which I could combine with lowering and moving rearwards the bars, saddle, and pegs to get a sportier position without folding myself into a pretzel.The setup was successful. Up to about 80kph I can sit more or less neutrally, as the spoiler cuts the laminar flow of the wind and reduces the "push" on my helmet. 80 and upwards is when it makes sense to actually tuck in a bit, and while there's a little bit of buffeting from the turbulence I find that overall, having a "penumbra" of turbulent air around the pocket of calm directly behind the screen makes it easier to lean my head and shoulders out of the bubble and into a lean.If I were doing a lot of long-distance riding, I'd consider upgrading to one of the taller screens, but for mixed urban/rural riding with a lot of curves it perfectly serves my needs.View Detail
I chose this part mainly to complement the guard on the right side of the bike, but I do think it's a bit more protective than those guards which only cover the front portion of the generator case.View Detail
I went with a mixed set of engine guards, choosing this one because I'm fond of the "drilled" look. Both in shape and in paint it's a close match with the engine itself.View Detail