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c125 혼다슈퍼커브 사이드백을 찾던중 맘에드는백을 주문했습니다배송관련은 1주일정도 시간이소요 되었습니다 품질은 전체적으로 좋으면며 약간에 마감에 아쉬운점도 있지만 좋은제품입니다아지 사이드 브라켓이 도착하지않아 임시로 장착했지만 사진에 보는거와같이 맘에 쏙듬니다추가도 하나더 주문할예정입니다~~I was looking for a c125 Honda Super Cub side bag and ordered a bag I liked.Shipping took about 1 week.The quality is good overall, there are some flaws in the finish, but it is a good product.The side bracket did not arrive, so I installed it temporarily, but I like it as you can see in the picture.I am planning to order another one.View Detail
알리에서 평이좋은 5리터짜리 사용했는데 용량이 더 크면 좋을것 같아 튼튼하고 믿음이가는 일제로 구입하기로했다 가성비 좋은걸로 선택 바깥쪽 재질은 튼튼한 직물 내피는방수재질로 돼었다 캐리어 닫는쪽은 하드한 재질로 되어있는데 가방길이만큼 되었고 폭은 한 10cm 정도로 조금더 폭이 넒었으면 아쉽다 전체적인 모양은 약간 피라미드형 잘쓸것같다 방수커버도 항상 가지고 다닐수있다 추천합니다 View Detail
c125 혼다슈퍼커브 사이드백을 찾던중 맘에드는백을 주문했습니다배송관련은 1주일정도 시간이소요 되었습니다 품질은 전체적으로 좋으면며 약간에 마감에 아쉬운점도 있지만 좋은제품입니다아지 사이드 브라켓이 도착하지않아 임시로 장착했지만 사진에 보는거와같이 맘에 쏙듬니다추가도 하나더 주문할예정입니다~~I was looking for a c125 Honda Super Cub side bag and ordered a bag I liked.Shipping took about 1 week.The quality is good overall, there are some flaws in the finish, but it is a good product.The side bracket did not arrive, so I installed it temporarily, but I like it as you can see in the picture.I am planning to order another one.View Detail
皮革制的测包,买来给Kawasaki 2019款 w800用的。皮革边包的优点就是样子看起来很酷,但是缺点就是放的东西没有那么多。皮色和照片非常接近,北部是黑色的类似硬塑料的材质,估计是为了防水。样子还是比较喜欢的,感觉很酷。平时都不舍得用,一般出去玩的适合才会安装。是包含防水外罩的。----------------------------------------------------------Leather measurement packet, Kawasaki 2019 bought to paragraph w800 used. Leather package edge advantage is the way to look cool, but the drawback is not so much to put things. Skin color photos and very close to the north is a black hard plastic-like material, is estimated to be waterproof. Still prefer the look, feel cool. Usually are not willing to use, the general went out to play will suit the installation. It is included waterproof housing.Powered by Google TranslatorView Detail
Very disappointed to this item. Very difficult to fix it to the bike, very difficult to secure the bag position, not convenience at all. And the tiny bag strap feels very uncomfortable when you carry it on your shoulder. I have other Degner bags works very well but this side bag is definitely a disappointment, defintiely not recommended.View Detail
혼다 슈퍼커브 c125 사이드백 브라켓을 찾던도중 나의 c125 멧그레이와 잘어울리는 카지마 사이드백 브라켓을 구입할수 있었습니다주문 제작상품이라 2달동안의 시간이 걸렸지만 내 바이크에 장착해보니 넘 잘 어울렸습니다 오랜시간 기다린 보람이 있습니다장착은 큰어려움 없이 쉽게 장착했으며 정말 순정형처럼 잘어울림니다 적극 추천합니다..While I was looking for a Honda Super Cub c125 sideback bracket, I was able to purchase a Kajima sideback bracket that went well with my c125 mat gray.It took 2 months because it was a made-to-order product, but when I installed it on my bike, it went well. It's worth the long wait.It was easy to install without any major difficulties, and it fits really well like a genuine type. I highly recommend it.View Detail
혼다 슈퍼커브 c125 멧 그레이 색상에 맞는 브레이크 손잡이를 찿던도중 딱 어울리는 제품을 찾았습니다순정 손잡이와 모양은 같으며 손잡이 컬리티는 훌룡합니다 장착 난이도하이며 3분이면 잡착 가능합니다멧그레이색상에 아주 잘어울림니다 순정형을 찾는다면 적극 추천합니다..I was looking for a brake handle that matches the Honda Super Cub c125 matt gray color and I found the perfect product.It has the same shape as the genuine handle, and the handle quality is excellent.It goes very well with the matte gray color. I highly recommend it if you are looking for a genuine type.View Detail
혼다슈퍼커브 미러 연장용으로 주문했습니다주문배송시간은 1주일정도 걸렸습니다 배송시간은 보통 입니다아직 설치전이지만 품질은 좋습니다 그리고 제 혼다슈퍼커브와 잘 어울릴꺼 같습니다제 주문실수로 1개만 주문해서 다시 1개더 주문했습니다 ~~I ordered this for my Honda Super Cub mirror extension.Order delivery took about 1 week. Delivery time is average.It has not been installed yet, but the quality is good and I think it will go well with my Honda Super Cub.I ordered only one by mistake, so I ordered another one.View Detail
c125 혼다슈퍼커브 사이드백을 찾던중 맘에드는백을 주문했습니다배송관련은 1주일정도 시간이소요 되었습니다 품질은 전체적으로 좋으면며 약간에 마감에 아쉬운점도 있지만 좋은제품입니다아지 사이드 브라켓이 도착하지않아 임시로 장착했지만 사진에 보는거와같이 맘에 쏙듬니다추가도 하나더 주문할예정입니다~~I was looking for a c125 Honda Super Cub side bag and ordered a bag I liked.Shipping took about 1 week.The quality is good overall, there are some flaws in the finish, but it is a good product.The side bracket did not arrive, so I installed it temporarily, but I like it as you can see in the picture.I am planning to order another one.View Detail
품질은 훌룡하다설치는 설명서가 없어서 어려웠으나 사진만보고 설치했다c125 2022년형은 설치시 연장볼트가 필요하다배송은 6일정도 소요됐다어렵게설치했지만 만족도는 높았다 그리고 순정처럼 느껴지도록 일체감이훌룡하다. . . .포장상태는 일반적인 수준이다the quality is greatInstallation was difficult because there was no manual, but I installed it by looking at the pictures.The c125 2022 model requires an extension bolt for installationDelivery took about 6 daysIt was difficult to install, but the satisfaction was high, and the sense of unity is great so that it feels genuine. . . .The packaging is normal.View Detail