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사용해도 좋을거 같네요 ㅎㅎ 전 녹 그대로 잘 타고 다닙니다 미드 킷 아주 좋아요 추천합니다 ㅎㅎ----------------------------------------------------------There is a slight interference with the genuine muffler
If you just tap the muffler, it installs easily hahaha
If the control itself gets rusty when it rains, process it so it doesn't rust
I think it would be good to use it hehe I ride well with rust I like the mid kit very much, I recommend it haha
Hello, I am from Singapore, the red dot. I have recently bought this item and apart from the shipping service (which is very good), the workmanship of the item is superb except that it was not stainless steel or the very least layered in epoxy paint.DO NOTE that it will get rusty in a few days of installation. From my experience after installing and taking out again, my advice is to paint it from installing it.View Detail
Hello, I am from Singapore, the red dot. I have recently bought this item and apart from the shipping service (which is very good), the workmanship of the item is superb except that it was not stainless steel or the very least layered in epoxy paint.DO NOTE that it will get rusty in a few days of installation. From my experience after installing and taking out again, my advice is to paint it from installing it.View Detail
The deliveries keep getting delayed. Our work is not progressing. We would like you to stop making us wait by extending the delivery date little by little. If we have to wait this long, we can choose a different option. In order for us to continue to use your service, we have asked you to improve the unreliable stock numbers, delivery date display, and delivery date communication, but you said you could not improve the system. As a result, I canceled my order.View Detail
Fits: HARLEY-DAVIDSON DYNAFamily Other adaptive information]1 inch bar, HARLEY-DAVIDSON SOFTAILFamily Other adaptive information]1 inch bar, HARLEY-DAVIDSON SPORTSTERFamily Other adaptive information]1 inch bar, HARLEY-DAVIDSON TOURINGFamily Other adaptive information]1 inch bar, HARLEY-DAVIDSON V-RODFamily Other adaptive information]1 inch bar
배선 구멍 잘 내서 장착했고 기존에 쓰던 높은 행들보다더 편하게 운전이 가능합니다핸들 구멍만 잘 내시면 혼자서 교체도 가능하지만업체에 맡기시는걸 추천합니다좋은 상품 감사합니다 잘 타고 다니겠습니다추천추천추천추천추천추천추첨추천I made a hole for the wiring and installed it, and it was better than the existing high rows.Driving more comfortableIf you make a hole in the handle, you can replace it by yourself.We recommend that you leave it to theThank you for a good product, I will ride it wellRecommended!View Detail
품질 좋습니다 그리고 터미널 이식해서장착해야합니다순정과 방식이 달라서 처음하시면 어려울 수 있지만검색 조금만 하면 잘 해결 가능합니다구매 추천합니다.바이크가 멋있어졌습니다 추천추천추천가격 더 오르기전에 구매하세요!!!The quality is good and the terminal is portedmust be mountedIt may be difficult the first time you do it because the method is different from purityYou can find it easily with a little searchRecommend to buy.The bike has become cool Recommended Recommended RecommendedBuy it before the price goes up!!!View Detail
브레이크는 중요하죠 순정보다 이게 더 좋은거 같습니다!!! 고민중이시라면 이 제품추천합니다 아직 사용한지얼마 안됐지만 더 사용해보고 내용 추가해드릴게요 !!!안전운전하시고 시즌준비 잘하시길 바라면서 리뷰는 여기까지만 쓰겠습니다Brakes are important. I think this is better than the genuine one!!!If you are in doubt, I recommend this product.I haven't used it for a while, but I'll try it more and add more content!!!I will write the review only here, hoping for safe driving and good preparation for the season.View Detail
아직 착용전이지만 부속이랑 퀄리티는 좋아보이네요 리지드하고 나중에 장착하게되면 다시 리뷰 남길게여 ㅎㅎIt's not worn yet, but the accessories and quality look good. I'll leave a review later when I'm wearing it after the rigid oneView Detail
장착 후 공기 들어오는 소리가 아주 좋습니다 장착시에 부족한 부속도있지만 쉽기 해결은 됩니다 ㅎㅎㅎ 스티드를 타시면 추천하는 부품입니다
ㅎㅎ 순정 에어클리너보다 훨씬 좋으니 구매해서 느껴보시면 좋을거같습니다 강추강추강추강추강추----------------------------------------------------------After mounting the air coming out of the air There is a lack of parts at mounting, but it is easy to solve I would like to buy it because I would like to feel it.View Detail