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The appearance is very good. They are factory cheched, unscratched and assembled straight and with an attention to details that shows a professional manner. The idle setting adjuster seen in Webike picture is different on my carbs. I have a short shiny screw. The package was good and communication from Webike was excellect during the 4 month delivery period.They came with a Japanese manual only. I would have liked an English version too.The carbs are not on my bike yet beause I have decided to make an airbox first. When they go on I expect to do some tuning job. For this it would have been nice if a table with jet, needle and throttle sizes, as delivered, was appended with the carbs. Also a statement about what state of the bike they are jetted for. My assumption is they are jetted for a "1047cc standard engine with standard exhaust". For such a bike I assume they are "bolt on". Overall I'm glad I bought them.
Another great product from Bito JB power. Best customer service in the industry. Quality was top of the line and they operate flawlessly. Deeply impressed. View Detail
Loving these 33mm FCR carbs! Bike is a 1992 GSF 400 with .04 over Suzki pistons and gk73 GSXR 400 camshafts. Tune: 125 Main Fuel Jet, 200 Main Air Jet, 42 Slow Jet, 2 1/2 turns out on fuel screw, 3/4 turns out on air screw. View Detail
안녕하세요좋은제품 찾던중 위바이크를 알게돼서레어한 카브레더를 발견해 구입까지 하게돼었습니다진심 fcr카브레더는 최고중에 최고입니다앞으로 위바이크에서 좋은가격에 좋은 제품 또다시 구입하지 싶습니다항상 지금과 같은 위바이크 돼시고. 더욱 발전하는 위바이크가 돼길 바랍니다HelloI came across Webike while looking for a good product.I found a rare carburetor and even bought it.Seriously, fcr carburetor is the best among the bestI would like to purchase a good product at a good price from Webike again in the future.Always be the same Webike you are now. I hope that Webike will develop further.View Detail
Great carbs for the Bandit 400! Please note; the OEM throttle assembly will not work and the OEM fuel valve will have difficulty delivering enough fuel. I suggest a qualified tuner set them up or ask for a settings starting point from JapanWeBike, SUDCO USA, JB-Power, or Allens Performance UK. My motor has .04mm over pistons and GSXR 400 Cams. Settings are 180 Air Main, 38 Pilot, 1/4 turn out on Air Mix, 1 3/4 turns out on fuel mix. https://youtu.be/vQdcUT8zVAEView Detail