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Не ожидал, что будет такая мега-быстрая доставка через FEDEX (выбирал экспресс): заказ на 4 детали оформил 30.10.21, получил уже 11.11.21 (живу на Урале). Ставить буду весной вместе со звёздами и цепью, которые заказал также на webike.com, поэтому упаковку ещё не вскрывал----------------------------------------------------------I did not expect that mega-fast delivery through FedEx (chose Express): An order for 4 details was issued 30.10.21, I received 11.11.21 (I live in the Urals). I will put in spring along with the stars and chain, which also ordered on webike.com, so the package has not yet opened
Oil Because it was time to exchange, so purchase. Recently there is no O - ring, so it is a taste of DAYTONA, for the time being. Because this is a Filter, it is difficult to separate this impression, but DAYTONA is recommended for those who like Red letters wView Detail
When it comes to deck the bike, little things like this is extra but but some cases like this, the material feels more sturdy than the OEM's. A extra cost is sometimes worth it for personal feel. View Detail
2024년식 레블500에 사용하려고 구매했습니다. 혼다 순정품이 다소비싼 가격이라서 저렴한 자동차용 필터를 사용하는 소유주도 가끔씩있지만 왠지 사용하기가 불안해서 그나마 저렴한 데이토나 제품으로 주문했습니다. 순정품대비 내부마감 처리가 조금 미흡하지만 사용하는데 큰 문제는 없을것같습니다. 순정필터 가격이 부담되는 소유주들에게 추천합니다.View Detail
혼다 레블500에 사용할려고 주문했습니다. 몇번 주문하다보니 벌써 세번째 주문입니다. 오일필터 단품으로 주문하기보단 다른 부품이나 용품들 주문시 몇개씩 추가로 주문하기 좋은 금액대입니다. 혼다 순정품보다는 품질이 조금 아쉽지만 그럼에도 데이토나 제품답게 상당히 품질이 괜찮아서 순정품 대용으로 사용하기 좋습니다.View Detail
혼다 레블500 순정품 대용품으로 사용하기 좋습니다. 순정품과 같이 놓고 비교해보면 안쪽 마감처리나 패킹부분이 조금은 부족해보이지만 가격적인 측면을 생각해보면 충분히 납득가능한 수준입니다. 엔진오일 교환하면서 오일필터도 같이 교환해주고 천키로미터이상 주행해봤지만 특별히 누유가있거나 이상한 느낌은 없는듯합니다. 앞으로 오일필터는 이제품으로 쭉 이용할것 같습니다. View Detail
Не ожидал, что будет такая мега-быстрая доставка через FEDEX (выбирал экспресс): заказ на 4 детали оформил 30.10.21, получил уже 11.11.21 (живу на Урале). Прикинул по родной звезде - посадочное место совпадает. В отличие от родной звезды, сам профиль этой звезды проще (он ровный, это сами видите по фото). Ставить буду весной вместе с ведомой звездой, цепью и масляным фильтром, которые заказал также на webike.com----------------------------------------------------------I did not expect that mega-fast delivery through FedEx (chose Express): An order for 4 details was issued 30.10.21, I received 11.11.21 (I live in the Urals). I figured the native star - the landing place coincides. Unlike the native star, the profile of this star is easier (he is even, they see it yourself). I will put spring together with a slave star, chain and an oil filter that also ordered on webike.comView Detail
Не ожидал, что будет такая мега-быстрая доставка через FEDEX (выбирал экспресс): заказ на 4 детали оформил 30.10.21, получил уже 11.11.21 (живу на Урале). Ставить буду весной вместе со звёздами и масляным фильтром, которые заказал также на webike.com, поэтому упаковку ещё не вскрывал. Заметно дешевле, чем покупать в России (даже с учётом доставки)----------------------------------------------------------I did not expect that mega-fast delivery through FedEx (chose Express): An order for 4 details was issued 30.10.21, I received 11.11.21 (I live in the Urals). I will put in spring together with the stars and the oil filter, which also ordered on webike.com, so the package has not yet opened. Noticeably cheaper than buying in Russia (even taking into account delivery)View Detail
В России для Suzuki grasstracker big boy ведомую звезду не нашёл (продаётся JT только на обычный грасик, там 41 зуб). Не ожидал, что будет такая мега-быстрая доставка через FEDEX (выбирал экспресс): заказ на 4 детали оформил 30.10.21, получил уже 11.11.21 (живу на Урале). Прикинул по родной звезде - центральное и крепёжные отверстия совпадают. Ставить буду весной вместе с ведущей звездой, цепью и масляным фильтром, которые заказал также на webike.com----------------------------------------------------------In Russia, for Suzuki Grasstracker Big Boy, the slave star did not find (JT is only for sale on the usual grace, there are 41 tooth). I did not expect that mega-fast delivery through FedEx (chose Express): An order for 4 details was issued 30.10.21, I received 11.11.21 (I live in the Urals). I figured the native star - the central and fastening holes coincide. I will put spring along with the lead star, chain and oil filter that also ordered on webike.comView Detail