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Ich habe eine Zubehör Fußrasten Anlage verbaut. Leider stößt diese gegen den originalen Ständer. Eine Abhilfe schafft dieser Ständer. Der Preis ist vollkommen ok, Lieferung erfolgt sehr schnell. Würde den Ständer immer wieder kaufen.----------------------------------------------------------I have built an accessory footprint facility. Unfortunately, these encounters against the original stand. A remedy creates this stand. The price is completely ok, delivery is very fast. Would buy the stand again and again.
I finally tried to install it six months after purchase, but the installation model didn't fit... Return SystemI know, but I couldn't open the box cleanly, so I gave up. Sometimes you specify the year and model and it doesn't fit.View Detail
I'm satisfied with the Large version because it doesn't interfere with the shift of the Rear Sets, but I think there is a problem with the stability when the STAND is set up.View Detail
It is installed at the same time as Rear Sets. The shape is different from the OEM Side step, which is good because it doesn't get in the way while driving. I think the quality is about the same as OEM. When parked, the Motorcycle's body will be at an angle to the OEM. You should be careful when parking on a slope.View Detail
Simultaneous installation with the company's Rear Sets installation STAND is easier to apply than OEM, and of course there is nothing to hinder Shift change Well, in individual differences and Setting situations Length may not match, but in my Motorcycle there was no problem.View Detail
I finally tried to install it six months after purchase, but the installation model didn't fit... Return SystemI know, but I couldn't open the box cleanly, so I gave up. Sometimes you specify the year and model and it doesn't fit.View Detail
I'm satisfied with the Large version because it doesn't interfere with the shift of the Rear Sets, but I think there is a problem with the stability when the STAND is set up.View Detail
It is installed at the same time as Rear Sets. The shape is different from the OEM Side step, which is good because it doesn't get in the way while driving. I think the quality is about the same as OEM. When parked, the Motorcycle's body will be at an angle to the OEM. You should be careful when parking on a slope.View Detail
Simultaneous installation with the company's Rear Sets installation STAND is easier to apply than OEM, and of course there is nothing to hinder Shift change Well, in individual differences and Setting situations Length may not match, but in my Motorcycle there was no problem.View Detail
Wie alle Yoshimura Produkte , passt auch dieses Produkt 100% ans Motorrad. Das Produkt, wird benötigt, um auch die linke Fußraste nach hinten zu setzen, wenn man den Yoshimura Auspuff rechts schon verbaut hat. Es handelt sich hier auch nur um die linke Platte. Man bekommt also nur eine Platte. Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, die rechte zu bestellen. Diese hier , also nur kaufen, wenn man die rechte Platte über den Auspuffkauf bekommen hat.----------------------------------------------------------Like all Yoshimura products, this product also fits 100% to the motorcycle. The product is needed to put the left footrest backwards when you have already installed the Yoshimura exhaust right. This is also just about the left plate. So you get only one plate. There is no way to order the rights. This here, so only buy if you got the right plate over the exhaust purchase.View Detail
ich habe das Teil an meiner XJR 1300 Bj 2000 verbaut, da passt es auch. es soll für mehr Kühlung sorgen. Das tut es auch (minimal) , aber Wunder sollte man davon nicht erwarten. Ich habe die unlackierte Version bestellt. Ich finde den Preis für die lackierte Version zu teuer.----------------------------------------------------------I installed the part on my XJR 1300 BJ 2000, it fits too. It should ensure more cooling. It also does it (minimal), but miracles should not be expected. I ordered the unpainted version. I find the price for the painted version too expensive.View Detail
sehr schöne Seitenteile aus Carbon.. passen 100% und sind sehr genau gefertigt. Würde diese Seitenteile immer wieder kaufen. Ich habe mich für Twill Weave entschieden. Der Preis ist ok, und der Versand ging auch sehr schnell.----------------------------------------------------------Very nice side panels made of carbon .. fit 100% and are very accurate. Would buy these side panels again and again. I decided for Twill Weave. The price is OK, and the shipping was also very fast.View Detail