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SP Tadao (Special Parts Tadao) PURE SPORT TWOTAIL Full Exhaust System,適用於CB400SF車型, 讓愛車有左右雙出的排氣管創造出大排量街車的視覺感及獨一無二的的風格,唯一不方便的是車檢時必須拆下恢復原廠才能通過,但還是推薦給喜歡與眾不同的您!----------------------------------------------SP Tadao (Special Parts Tadao) PURE SPORT TWOTAIL Full Exhaust System, suitable for CB400SF car, make your car has about double the exhaust pipe to create a unique visual sense and a large displacement street car style, the only inconvenience is must be removed in order to restore the original through the vehicle inspection, but still like to have something to recommend to you!Powered by Google Translator
I was dissatisfied with the volume after using foreign and Beams products, so I bought it because it was quiet. I have not driven on highways, so I am very satisfied with my impression after commuting in Tokyo. It is different from other companies from the mounting part of Engine. Since the drivetrain has also been modified with emphasis on acceleration, this is not an impression from replacing only the Exhaust System, but after replacing it, I could feel more Torque, and the extension was even better. It is a little more expensive than other companies, but I am highly satisfied. As stated in the instruction manual, be sure to apply liquid Gasket to the connection between the exhaust pipe and silencer. Exhaust leakage will occur.View Detail
The installation was done at the end of the break-in period at Timing. The instruction manual was very well written and the installation went without a hitch, but the OEM exhaust system was heavy and it took more time to remove it. The Japanese Vehicle Inspection Correspondence was also a deciding factor in my purchase.View Detail
I was not particularly dissatisfied with the OEM Exhaust System, but I happened to find the Exhaust System development blog, and I was browsing it with interest, as the parts that tended to be a little jerky were connected pleasantly. I was browsing the Exhaust System development blog with great interest. I was told that delivery would be around July, so I waited patiently and was impatient when it arrived right away, but I had time to install it right away.
The Instruction Manual for installation instructed us to remove the lower bracket of the Radiator, but I think it would be easier to remove the upper bracket as well. *Work is easier to reach and work from the Left Side, mainly with respect to the direction of travel.
BoltQuantity under the belly after removing the Bolt of the Exhaust pipe.:The OEMExhaust System comes off with 2pcs, but if you don't have a Jack or foot under it to support it, it will bottle up and fall off.
If you follow the instruction manual, there is no problem in particular, but if you fix the Exhaust SystemBody first, you will have a hard time connecting each exhaust pipe and the assembly part, so you should put some dustcloth on the wood or jack to prevent the wound from sticking. I think that it might have been better to put dustcloth on the wood or jack so that it can be moved back and forth with the Exhaust SystemBody supported, and then insert it into the exhaust pipe, while looking at the Exhaust System that was damaged by hitting various places while supporting it with my foot. I am thinking about it while looking at the Exhaust System that was damaged by hitting various places while supporting it with my foot.
I have only done some light driving around the neighborhood, but it was easy to ride with Torque coming out from low rpm. However, the characteristics of the OEM exhaust system have not been changed from the OEM exhaust system to a larger system, and the volume is not bothersome, so even if you ride a long distance, you will not get tired of the sound. I don't think I will get tired of the sound even if I ride long distances.
Exhaust systems for the New Model MT-09 have been available from overseas, but we think this would be a very good option for those who are concerned about the design, which would lose the sense of compactness that had been settled under the belly, and the non-approved parts.View Detail
The exhaust pipe turns around and a bypass is installed in the middle of the pipe, which is a unique shape of Full Exhaust System not seen in OEM. The appearance is cool with a tighter suspension. The sound is not too loud and the single-cylinder Pulse is small and plays well. It sputters nicely when driving on public roads and has a nice crisp ride that moves forward firmly when twisted. However, I don't think you should expect such dramatic changes. It is just a feeling of improvement.
The instruction manual says 40 minutes for installation, but I think it can be done by a skilled person who jacks up the body to eye level. Especially when fastening the flange bolt, the undercarriage cover obstructs the view and makes it difficult to fix the bolt position and tighten it, so it will be difficult to get it on the floor. But anyone with time, tools, liquid gas, and a replacement Gasket can do it. Please note that the Instruction Manual does not describe how to fix the Gasket at the Flange, and in fact, there is no groove cut for proper positioning, so it is necessary to apply liquid gas to the Gasket and stick it in place at the Flange. This method is explained in the Manufacturer's video, please refer to it once.View Detail
After running about 1000 miles, I was surprised at how easy it is to ride with just the Exhaust System. Since I bought this motorcycle, I had been thinking that the acceleration was a little too fast, so I was satisfied that the machine characteristics became mild by a large margin. But it is not too slow and the exhaust sound is not too loud. (^-^) /View Detail
HONDA 原廠儀表擋風鏡 適用安裝於Rebel 250/500車型,安裝固定在大燈支架上能有效的避免騎乘時由於風壓所產生的振動影響安全性,另外大太陽下能保護原廠儀表曝曬產生非預期的損壞,風鏡造型中規中矩不過原廠品質值得信賴!唯一的缺點就是售價有點高令人卻步!----------------------------------------------HONDA original instrument attached to goggles applicable Rebel 250/500 models, the headlight bracket fixed on the rider can effectively prevent vibrations due to the impact of pressure safety, the sun further protect the original instrument exposure to unintended damage, goggles style quite satisfactory, but the original quality trusted! the only drawback is the price a little high prohibitive!Powered by Google TranslatorView Detail
DAYTONA 座墊套組 適用Rebel 250/500車型, 安裝後可以改變原廠的黑色單調座墊設計,並有透氣孔的設計幫助長途騎乘所產生的熱氣散熱,不過下雨時可能會造成座墊溼的影響,但在價格上比較實惠而且一組包含前後椅墊,只有黑色可以選擇算是比較遺憾的部分!----------------------------------------------DAYTONA seat kit suitable Rebel 250/500 models, the design of the seat cushion may be changed monotonically black factory after installation, and have heat radiating holes designed to help the rider generated long, but may cause the seat cushion when it rains effects of wet, but the price is relatively affordable and contains a set of front and rear seat cushion, you can select only the black part be sorry!Powered by Google TranslatorView Detail
本田(Honda)原廠後靠背 適用於Rebel 250/500車型,加裝後可補足出廠沒有後靠背的不便性,對後座乘客提供安全感並可與後貨架一同安裝,可以用來裝載摩托車旅行的行李,大大增加出遊的便利性!不過後靠背的位置有點偏低有點不太符合靠背的功用!----------------------------------------------Honda (Honda) applied to the original backrest Rebel 250/500 models, the installation can not make up the backrest inconvenience factory, provides security for the rear seat passenger can be installed with the rear shelf, a motorcycle can be used to load luggage travel greatly increase the convenience of travel! position back but a little bit less in line with the function of the low back!Powered by Google TranslatorView Detail
HONDA(本田) 原廠菱格紋騎士坐墊 適用Rebel 250/500車型,菱形座墊套採用壓印的方式,下雨時不會造成座墊溼的影響,不過在價格上比其他廠牌略高,安裝後可以改變原廠的單調座墊設計,可以根據車輛風格有棕色及黑色兩種顏色可供選擇,值得推薦!----------------------------------------------HONDA (Honda) original lozenge Knight cushion applicable Rebel 250/500 models, diamond-shaped cushion cover embossed way, will not affect the seat wet when it rains, but slightly higher in price than other brands after installation you can change the monotony of the original seat design, there can be brown and black colors to choose from, it is recommended according to vehicle style!Powered by Google TranslatorView Detail
DAYTONA 手把適用於Rebel 250/400車型,相較原廠把手後移4cm寬度縮小20mm 並且無須更換加長線組即可安裝,而且把手已經有預留原廠線組的孔位,安裝把手後對於手部及騎乘姿勢相當有幫助,值得推薦!----------------------------------------------DAYTONA handle suitable for Rebel 250/400 models, compared to the original width of the rear grip shift 4cm 20mm and reduced long-term need to replace the group added to install, handle and has holes reserved original group of lines after installation to handle hand and riding position quite helpful, it is recommended!Powered by Google TranslatorView Detail