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第一次买KN Planning的产品,做工非常好我非常满意,无论是从设计角度还是性价比来说这都是独一无二的选择,但是该产品的使用说明不是很友好,让我不明白具体如何安装,虽然这个东西不贵,但是无法使用也让我非常头疼,好像说要适配的软管,具体的一些操作的适配套件也不知如何使用或者购买,希望加强产品说明!----------------------------------------------First time to buy KN Planning products, workmanship is very good I am very satisfied, whether it is cost-effective from a design point of view or are unique for this choice, but the instructions for use of the product is not very friendly, so I do not know specifically how to install, Although this is not your thing, but I also can not use a headache, as if to say to fit the hose, some of the specific operation adapter set I do not know how to use or buy, hoping to strengthen the product description!Powered by Google Translator
The KN Planning [UmaRacing] Oil Breather it's a big help to my zoomer engine to cool down even in a long ride. It is highly recomended that you use a KN oil breather for your bike.View Detail
之前购买过忠男的前段 被他的结构和做工吸引了 不像那些竞技取向的排气 为了性能而损失低扭以及噪音的控制器 对于日常骑行玩乐实在是不实用 所以我将吉村阿尔法全段更换为了忠男 这次尾段到货也没让我指望 期待装车----------------------------------------------------------The previous section of the bought before, was attracted by his structure and work. It is not like those competitive exhausts for performance and the losses, and the noise controller is not practical for daily cycling. So I will replace Ji Village alpha. In order to loyal male, I didn't let me expect to load.View Detail
为GSX250R量身定制的快速油门套件,适配性可想而知,简直完美!适配替换的油门线相比原厂都要粗壮不少,外部固定套件质量上乘,有几档油门位的选择,我选择的最远挡,毕竟不是竞技,相比原厂非常线性,强烈推荐!----------------------------------------------------------It is impossible for the GSX250R tailored fast throttle kit. It is impossible to know that it is perfect! Adapted to replace the throttle line compared to the original factory, the external fixed kit is multiplied, there are several selection of the throttle selection, I have the farther block, after all, not competitive, compared to the original factory very linear, strongly recommended !View Detail
第一次接触ZETA的产品 日常看到此品牌都是越野方面的居多 想不到还有放油螺丝等通用件 做工不错 铝合金材质 购买的小伙伴记得更换铜垫片实用最佳!----------------------------------------------------------The first time you have exposed to zeta's products, you can see this brand is a cross-country, you can't think of universal workmanship, etc. Universal workmanship, good aluminum alloy material, you can remember the best!View Detail
SUNSTAR世界第一精度 无论是刹车盘还是链轮我都是第一考虑SUNSTAR 堪称世界第一精度 给人的感觉是名副其实的 精度超越原厂太多 运行阻力明显降低 顺滑并轻盈!尤其铝合金制后链轮 轻量化到了极致 在手中感觉像塑料一般 簧下质量明显降低!----------------------------------------------------------The first precision of SunStar Whether it is a brake disc or a sprocket, I am the first considering Sunstar is the world's first precision to people feel that the name is a vectors that exceeds the original factory. It is obviously smooth and light! Especially after the aluminum alloy, the sprocket is lightweight to the ultimate in the hand, and the quality of the plastic, the quality is significantly reduced!View Detail
SUNSTAR世界第一精度 无论是刹车盘还是链轮我都是第一考虑SUNSTAR 堪称世界第一精度 给人的感觉是名副其实的 精度超越原厂太多 运行阻力明显降低 顺滑并轻盈!----------------------------------------------------------The first precision of SunStar Whether it is a brake disc or a sprocket, I am the first considering Sunstar is the world's first precision to people feel that the name is a vectors that exceeds the original factory. It is obviously smooth and light!View Detail