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HONDA CB500F , YAMAHA YZF1000 THUNDERACE 96- Number required:4, YAMAHA YZF1000 R 96- Number required:4, YAMAHA YP250 S Number needed:1, YAMAHA YP250 A Number needed:1
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DENSO Iridium Racing Plug makes the engine running more smoothly. Engine seems to start more easily as well. Very happy for the effects for my HONDA FUSION engine.
Fits: HONDA CB500F , YAMAHA YZF1000 THUNDERACE 96- Number required:4, YAMAHA YZF1000 R 96- Number required:4, YAMAHA YP250 S Number needed:1, YAMAHA YP250 A Number needed:1
Previously, other types of iridium plugs were used, but they were replaced using 10,000 km. It is more tough than the previous product, but it feels more compact.View Detail
Fits: HONDA CB500F , YAMAHA YZF1000 THUNDERACE 96- Number required:4, YAMAHA YZF1000 R 96- Number required:4, YAMAHA YP250 S Number needed:1, YAMAHA YP250 A Number needed:1
i build the street tracker using CB223 my self and DENSO Iridium Racing Plug is very good choice for me it helped to good fuel effice i just ride couple days and remove plug and look it ' its was clearly perl white' and the pick-up was super , installen only took me 2-3 minutes results were best i suggest racing rider to starned rider , shiping is fast it all so they have stocked producted was orginally factory thats what make me happy dealing with webike jp , again thank you for good serrvice.View Detail
My Monkey requires the best, high-tech, productive components, why couldn't I put a lower-level spark plug, but I say this with humor. In fact, everything is somewhat simpler, but I wanted to put something of high quality. This candle has shown itself very well, the dynamics have grown a little, the motorcycle has become a little more economical. I recommend...View Detail
About quality and textureВысочайшее качество иридиевых свечей от Denso всегда было одним из плюсов данной марки, надежность таких свечей также высока, их устанавливают с завода большинство производителей авто и мото индустрии, электрод нужной толщины и длины, прочный корпус, очень мощная и надежная искра и зажигание - всего этого я ждал от данного товараAbout the feeling of useУстановка производилась на Suzuki Address 110, двигатель имеет увеличенный объем цилиндра и спортивную выхлопную систему, именно поэтому паявилась потребность в данной свече с более мощной и надежной искрой, способная выдерживать очень высокие нагрузки и температуры, ожадиния оправдались, работа мотора на высоких оборотах стала гораздо ровнее и стабильнее, что говорит о правильной работе свечи и верном поджиге топливаProducts to buy togetherПокупка дополнительных товаров не требуетсяDifficulty of installationПростая установка на место стандартной свечи, ключом/головкой №21, обжимное кольцо прекрасно выдерживает несколько снятий и установок свечи зажиганияCost performance and comparison with other productsНизкая стоимость при сравнении со стандартной оригинальной свечой, которая не предполагает такие высокие нагрузки и температуру, как этаAbout shipping and packagingУпаковку можно увидеть на фото, простая коробка в которой находится сам товарAny concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasingУчитывайте калильное число свечи и максимальную допустимую температуру экспулатацииView Detail
워낙에 구형인차이기도 하고 다른 브랜드 제품은 신용하기 힘든 부분들이 있어 5년 째 덴소제품을 이용하고 있습니다 위바이크 자체가 reasonable한 금액으로 판매를 하기 때문에 다른 제품을 구매할 때 겸사겸사 구매하게 되는데 항상 만족하고 있습니다.View Detail
* About quality and texture, This is a 8mm in diameter iridium spark plug is a replacement for what comes in the Kitaco Neo big bore kit for the Honda Grom, featuring a 0.4mm diameter iridium alloy center electrode.* About the feeling of use, A high performance spark plug is needed for a high performance engine and this iridium power plug from Denso supplies an optimal spark for the operations of the Kitaco Neo big bore kit without failure.* Products to buy together, The Honda OEM ignitional coil's performance becomes poor in the higher engine RPM range so the hyper ignitional coil from Takegawa is recommended to resolve this issue.* Difficulty of installation, Installation is just removing the spark plug cap a, swapping out the spark plug and torquing to spec. The process was completed in 5 minutes with no difficultly.* Cost performance and comparison with other products, The Denso iridium power plug would have to be the higher priced of the options for the Kitaco Neo big bore kit but what originally came in the kit so I'm sticking with it but if you are looking to save a few dollars or prefer NGK product then checkout ER8EHIX.* About shipping and packaging, I am happy to wait 8 weeks on average for my parts to arrive in Sydney Australia via Webike's sea freight which comes with tracking and insurance so I know I'm covered in case something was to go wrong but with there outstanding bubble wrapping and boxing there have been no problems.* Any concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasing, There are also 2 other much cheaper options in the NGK range, ER8EH and ER8EH-N if you prefer not to use iridium spark plugs. Use the product reviews to assist in making a decision on your purchase.View Detail
I purchased this individual main jet plus the KITACO main jet set. I needed wide scale of jets to tuning my carburetor. High quality product and works like the original part in the carb.View Detail
Fits: HONDA FUSION 03 KFR Stock pilot jet number #38, HONDA CB1300 Super Four 98-02, HONDA FUSION MF02 genuine pilot jet number #38, HONDA X4 97-03 Genuine Pilot Jet Number #40
Excellent set for tuning the carburetor. Quality is good appear for the price ot the product. Works like in the same like the original parts.View Detail
Good price quality value. Set is excellent for tuning for the carburetor. You can test wide scale of the carburetor settings easily with the set.View Detail
Excellent decal for the --- fans. The glue in the sticker is long lasting and didn't have eny problem to take it out and relocate it another place in the bike.View Detail
Very difficult to find this particular decal. Very pleased with the sticker. Superb quality! Very thigh material. L-size was good detail for my fairing.View Detail