I have no idea what the kill level is because I had it installed when I got the car. I can't compare it to the Visor because I didn't have it before, but it doesn't have any wind blocking effect. The fit (no interfering parts) is fine as it is OEM.
View Detail372.31 USD (58,266 JPY)
Delivery Information
This product is produced on order.
Usually takes around 3-4 weeks to ship.
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**This product is imported from overseas and does not come with a Japanese instruction manual.
*Delivery may be delayed depending on the product due to the imported goods.
*Compatible vehicles are for vehicles sold in North America.Some products may not be compatible with vehicles sold in Japan, Asia, and other parts of Europe..
Compact meter visor features a high quality aluminum panel designed to match the headlight housing for integrated styling.
Points of Attention
* If there may be an instruction manual included, it will be written in Japanese.