Although the valve is another beautiful product from Kitaco, it is also very functional! Pumping the tyre up with a 90 degree valve is much easier than the stock valve.
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- Aluminum Air Valve T2
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10.49 USD (1,639 JPY) 10.97 USD Save 4%
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Product detail
for Tubeless wheels
Type: 2
Specification: L type
Quantity: 1pc
Material: Aluminum Machined/ Anodized finish
Compatible rim hole size: Φ11
**Although it fits most tubeless wheels, it may not be available in some parts due to the shape of the wheel and the hole size. When using it, mount it after measuring the mounting hole.
*The valve cap is a special item. Some third party valve caps may not be used.
*The image contains other colors..
This is a horizontal air valve for tubeless wheel..
By using aluminum as material, durability and customization will be improved..
Points of Attention
* If there may be an instruction manual included, it will be written in Japanese.
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Customer Reviews
Feb 19, 2021
Отличный вентиль, советую к покупке однозначно, никаких проблем при установке не возникло, за все время не травили воздух ни разу----------------------------------------------------------Excellent valve, advice to buy-one, no problems when installing arose, all the time not poisoned air has neverPowered by Google Translator
View DetailExcellent
Feb 18, 2021
Лучший клапан, который есть на рынке для двухколесной техники, вывод на бок очень удобный, исполнение отличное, полностью сделан на ЧПУ станке, идеально окрашен, логотип не выделяется, не травит воздух при любых условиях и температурах, денег своих стоит на все 100%, покупал пару, не разочаровался, однако, новое поколение этих клапанов не попадает в цвет со старым поколением, учитывайте это----------------------------------------------------------Best valve, which is in the market for two-wheeled machinery, the conclusion to the side is very easy to use, excellent performance, is made entirely on the CNC machine, perfectly colored, logo does not stand out, do not poison the air in all conditions and temperatures, the money of their stands at 100% bought a pair, not disappointed, however, a new generation of valves misses the color of the old generation, consider thisPowered by Google Translator
View DetailExcellent
Feb 18, 2021
Один из лучших вентилей, которые я использовал, покупались под окрашенные диски Suzuki ZZ, посадочный диаметр 11 миллиметров, завинчиваются гайкой и поджимаются резинкой, за время использование в течение сезона ни разу не травили воздух, цвет достаточно темный, фото отражает его, он намного темнее, чем на фото на сайте, а также темнее первого поколения этих вентилей----------------------------------------------------------One of the best valves that I used were bought under the colored discs Suzuki ZZ, bore diameter 11 mm, screwed the nut and are pressed gum during use during the season never poisoned the air, the color is dark enough, the photo reflects it, it is much darker than the photo on the website, as well as darker than the first generation of these valvesPowered by Google Translator
View DetailVery Good
Dec 6, 2020
NORMAL was pretty STRESS to get air in the GS in the vertical …
That's why I bought this Small Commission for this time. I'm going to do it at the same time as the Tire replacement, so it's still a long way off;
I love the Design, what a favorite, hopefully it will be a good Accent!