Купил данный фильтр на замену родному, так как он уже порвался немного. По невнимательности взял не на свою модель, но он с трудом но подошел, качество фильтра отличное и он пропитан с завода смазкой.I bought this filter to replace my own, as it has already broken a little. Inadvertently, I took it not on my model, but it came up with difficulty, the quality of the filter is excellent and it is impregnated with grease from the factory.translated by Google Translator
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Product detail
**There may be changes in product specifications due to the manufacturer's reasons.
This is a stock repair filter installed in the cooling air inlet of the drivetrain.
If the filter is clogged, it causes insufficient cooling and unexpected troubles.
Periodic replacement is recommended.
Points of Attention
* If there may be an instruction manual included, it will be written in Japanese.