607.15 USD (92,486 JPY)
Delivery Information
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Product detail
Made in the USA: yes
Model: Power Commander V
O2 sensor: open-loop
Programs: programmed
Type: fuel injection program
・About half the size of the Power Commander
・Can be connected to PC via USB port
・Two types of power maps can be stored
・Maps can be configured for each gear and engine cylinder
・Fuel can be adjusted from -100% to +250%
・Connected to PC, easy map setting by file
・Basic maps and maps of each exhaust manufacturer can be downloaded free of charge from the manufacturer's website for each vehicle.
・Increased low-speed torque
・Power Up
・Reduce engine load by optimizing fuel consumption
Click here for maps for each model
http: //www.powercommander.com/powercommander/maplookup/powercommander_map_lookup.aspx
**The instruction manual is in English.
*We do not accept any after-sales service or inquiry for setting and installation method.
*Delivery may be delayed due to importing.
*QEM is not necessary when SFM is used..
* The image is only for reference. The image shown may differ from the actual product.
・Fuel control for each individual cylinder in a smaller enclosure
・Warm-up" fuel adjustment (unit reads engine temp and allows fuel / timing adjustments based on the reading)
・Reduced size from the PCIII USB
・Easy to install
・USB powered from computer; 9 volt adapter is no longer needed
・Two-position map-switching function built in
・It can add any Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) switch and toggle between two different fuel maps
・Gear / speed input allows for map adjustment based on gear
・Analog input allows user to install any 0-5 volt sensor
・Build an adjustment table based on analog input such as boost or temperature
・Power Commander V is capable of allowing each cylinder to be mapped individually and for each gear with the gear position input connected
・More tuning ranges than PCIII USB
・Enhanced “accel pump" utility
・For Offroad and ATV, see appropriate catalog under Moose Power Commanders
・Made in the U.S.A.
・Allows for the use of the Dynojet Quick Shifter sensor on eight-injector bikes which provides added fuel control and shifter functionality
・If gear position input is connected to your PCV, you can adjust all of the injectors on a “per gear" basis
・Allows for the adjustment of all eight-injectors
・See application chart for availability
・Single cable connection to the PCV
・Connects to the upper injector rail using OEM connectors
・You can also map each injector separately, giving you up to 48 complete maps
・The “basic" mode allows you to have a single fuel table that simply puts the requested fuel change in both upper and lower injector modules at the same time
・Adjust both upper and lower injectors by as much as +250 / -100%
・The “basic" mode is the perfect setting for modified engines that require more fuel than four-injectors can provide, but do not need the complexity of mapping each cylinder and each gear separately
・The QEM allows the Dynojet Quick Shifter sensor to be used with Power Commander V on bikes that have eight injectors
・Once the sensor is attached you will have full Quick Shifter functionality
・The QEM connects to the upper injectors and then into the PCV
・Fuel control for each individual cylinder in a small enclosure
・Warm-up fuel adjustment (a unit that reads engine temperature and allows fuel / timing adjustments based on the reading)
・Size reduction from PCIII USB
・Easy to install
・USB supplied from computer; 9 volt adapter is no longer needed
・Built-in 2-position map switching function
・Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) switch is added to switch between two different fuel maps
・Gear / speed input enables gear-based map adjustment
・Using analog inputs, 0-5V sensors can be installed
・Create an adjustment table based on analog inputs such as boost or temperature
・The Power Commander V can map each cylinder individually.
・More tuning range than PCIII USB
・Enhanced "acceleration pump" utility
・For Offroad and ATV, please refer to the appropriate Moose Power Commanders catalog.
・Made in USA
Secondary Fuel Module
・Dynojet Quick Shifter Sensor can be used on 8 injector bikes to provide additional fuel control and shifter function
・If the gear position input is connected to the PCV, all injectors can be adjusted in "gear units"
・All 8 injectors can be adjusted
・See the available application charts
・Single cable connection to PCV
・Connect to the upper injector rail using the OEM connector
・Each injector can be mapped separately to complete a map of up to 48 injectors
・In the "Basic" mode, a single fuel table can be prepared that will feed the requested fuel change to both the upper and lower injector modules simultaneously
・Up / Down Injector + 250 / -100
・The "basic" mode is the perfect setting for a modified engine that requires more fuel than four injectors, but does not require the complexity of mapping each cylinder and each gear separately
・The QEM allows the Dynojet quickshifter sensor to be used with the Power Commander V on motorcycles with eight injectors
・Once the sensor is installed, the full functionality of the Quick Shifter can be used
・QEM is connected to the upper injector, and then to the PCV
Points of Attention
* If there may be an instruction manual included, it will be written in Japanese.